Page 212 - Čotar Konrad Sonja, Borota Bogdana, Rutar Sonja, Drljić Karmen, Jelovčan Giuliana. Ur. 2022. Vzgoja in izobraževanje predšolskih otrok prvega starostnega obdobja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 212
ela Golubović, Jasna Maksimović, Jovana Uzelac, and Sandra Glamočak

the environment and receiving a reverse impact from it (Mugno et al. 2007).
It represents primary social environment that shapes the child’s personality
and directs his/her participation in the environment, but also vice versa – the
child inevitably affects everyday life and participation of other family mem-
bers (McConnell, Savage, and Breitkreuz 2006). Establishing sense of security,
development of speech, skills and abilities, attitudes, beliefs and values are
just some of the influences family has over a child. At the same time, styles
of life, authority and relationships among family members, the size of a fam-
ily and many other factors are considered to be such great sources of differ-
ence that it is very difficult to find a common denominator for a community
such is a family (Ristić-Stojković 2016; Hrnjica 2011). It represents an influen-
tial and important factor of social functioning because it refers to the primary
small group in which emotional relationships are intense, interaction is long-
lasting and diverse, and the mutual dependence among members is high.

Despite the fact that every family is special for it forms an original system
with its specific rules and modes of coexistence (Juhásová 2015, 3383), it is true
for every family that all of its members are interconnected, and as a rule, what
affects one of them, also reflects on the whole family system. The functioning
of the family itself is reflected and has a positive or a negative impact on the
quality of life of all its members (Smith-Bird and Turnbull 2005).

The quality of life can be seen and defined in many ways, though it is most
often defined as an individual experience of satisfaction with all aspects of
life, that is, the perception of one’s own well-being and life satisfaction. This
sociological dimension includes physical, social, economic and psychological
well-being, as well as a sense of positive social involvement and the ability to
realize one’s own potentials (Araujo de Melo et al. 2012; Mugno et al. 2007;
Park et al. 2003; Waters et al. 2005). The concept of quality of life includes nu-
merous aspects of life at the present moment, as well as previous experiences
of a person, so the quality of family life is a natural continuation of work on
the individual quality of life (Poston et al. 2003). In order to ensure that the
quality of family life is considered satisfactory, needs of a family need to be
satisfied; family members should enjoy their life together and have the op-
portunity to deal with matters that are important to them (Park et al. 2003,
368). Health is certainly one of the factors of quality of life that plays a signif-
icant role, and any presence of illness or disability is a limiting factor in the
fulfilment of the needs of an individual and his/her family members.

Family and parenthood of children with disabilities
Although every birth of a child extraordinarily mobilizes a family and has a
significant impact on parents and other family members, the birth of a child

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