Page 216 - Čotar Konrad Sonja, Borota Bogdana, Rutar Sonja, Drljić Karmen, Jelovčan Giuliana. Ur. 2022. Vzgoja in izobraževanje predšolskih otrok prvega starostnega obdobja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 216
ela Golubović, Jasna Maksimović, Jovana Uzelac, and Sandra Glamočak

Table 2 Respondents’ Demographic Data

Item Category f f

Gender of a child Male  .
Presence of a developmental disorder Female
Parents’ education level Yes  .
Parents live in Primary school  .
Secondary school
High school – college  .
Higher school – university
marital community  (.) 
extramarital community
divorced  (.)  (.)
single parents
 (.)  (.)

 (.)  (.)

 .

 .

 .

 .

The sample is dominated by female respondents, i. e. the answers were
mostly given by mothers of children aged 2 to 4 attending a pre-school insti-
tution. According to the data collected from parents, most children suffered
from autism, speech or language disorder, developmental delay, cerebral
palsy, or other physical disorder. The demographic data of the respondents
are presented in Table 2.

In data processing, methods and procedures from the descriptive statistics
framework, as well as from the domain of locking statistics – t-test, were used.

Research Results and Discussion

The quality of life of a family of children with disabilities can be viewed
through different indicators such are: ‘factors related to the child – the de-
gree of child’s disability and the intensity of manifestation of problems in
his/her behaviour; financial situation of the family, family relations, social
status of all family members, adequacy of services provided, etc.’ (Milićević
2015, 39). As in some other studies (Davis and Gavidia-Payne 2009), our re-
search also singled out intensity of manifestation of behavioural problems in
a child as a predictor of the quality of family life. The assessment includes the
frequency of certain behaviour patterns in the area of emotional, physical,
social and behaviour in the kindergarten, as well as the intensity of these
behaviours (behaviour patterns are shown in table 1). The summary results
of the research are shown in Table 3.

By analysing summarized scores, a statistically significant difference (p <
0.05) was found on all the subscales in the quality of life of families of children

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