Page 228 - Čotar Konrad Sonja, Borota Bogdana, Rutar Sonja, Drljić Karmen, Jelovčan Giuliana. Ur. 2022. Vzgoja in izobraževanje predšolskih otrok prvega starostnega obdobja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 228
ja Tatalović Vorkapić and Lana Osojnak

rected towards a constant change of the sensory experiences in everyday life
(James et al. 2011).

In educational practice, there is a frequent need for developing the edu-
cators’ competencies to identify those children at an early age so that they
could be introduced to the early intervention (Mamić, Fulgosi Masnjak, and
Pintarić Mlinar 2010, Tatalović Vorkapić, Vlah and Vujičić 2012). Experiences
from the surroundings and the expectations from the child play an impor-
tant role in enabling the exposure to different forms of sensory intensive-
ness. Surroundings shape the way the child learns to self-regulate and to de-
velop strategies for coping with stress (Dawson, Ashman, and Carver 2000).
Therefore, the combination or cooperation between environmental factors,
genetic features, neural activities and behaviors, and probably the timing of
their collaboration can explain certain outcomes, i. e., the first steps, activities
that include new and smudging materials that expose an early-age child to
a wide range and intensity of sensations (Kraemer 2001). Two-year-olds also
have a better ability to communicate the cause of their difficulties through
verbal and nonverbal ways. These discoveries give us the opportunity to form
new questions about whether the early critical period for sensory adaptation
development really exists in their childhood as Hensch (2004) has suggested.
The preschool institution is a place that provides a complete development
and education for the child if it enables continuous creation of appropriate
educational environment, which gives him the opportunity to involve in var-
ious interactions with the space, materials, other children, and adults (Min-
istarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta 2014). Complete development is also
enabled for children if the educational process is formed in a way that every
activity encourages different parts of the integral development at the same
time; if it connects and combines different areas of his learning and maintains
different children’s activities at the same time.

The Research Aim, Problems, and Hypotheses
This research paper aims to examine the wellbeing of early-aged children
who are introduced to sensory activities and incentives use. Regarding that,
two research tasks were postulated: (a) to examine the wellbeing of early-
aged children in the group in which sensory activities and incentives were
implemented (experimental group) and in the group without that imple-
mentation (control group), in two measuring points: the initially and final
phase (quasi-experimental research design), and (b) to compare experimen-
tal and control group results regarding: differences between groups and dif-

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