Page 233 - Čotar Konrad Sonja, Borota Bogdana, Rutar Sonja, Drljić Karmen, Jelovčan Giuliana. Ur. 2022. Vzgoja in izobraževanje predšolskih otrok prvega starostnega obdobja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 233
Sensory Integration as the Path for Nurturing Toddlers’ Wellbeing

Table 1 Continued from the previous page

() () Experimental group Control group

st measurem. nd measurem. st measurem. nd measurem.

+= –= += –= += –= += –=

Walking and         
climbing on         
slopes and      
substrates         
        
Lifting and        
carrying         
Mean .  .  . 
Pushing    .   
       
Mean .   .  . 
     
  .     
Mean .   .  . 
 


Notes Column headings are as follows: (1) sensory materials, (2) sensory activities.

holding the educator’s hand, while 6 of them jumped holding the educator’s
hand in the first measuring. In the activity therapy ball – small, in the second
measuring, all of the 17 children of the experimental group made progress in
all exercises. The biggest progress was recoded in exercises 6 (‘a child gets
off the therapy ball onto the floor and makes 2 to 4 steps on his hands’) and
7 (‘a child gets off the therapy ball onto the floor and makes 4 to 6 steps on
his hands’) considering that, in the first measuring, 13 of them didn’t achieve
results in exercise 6, nor 17 of them in exercise 7.

In exercise 8 (‘a child gets off the therapy ball onto the floor and makes 6
to 8 steps on his hands’), three of them have shown better results unlike the
first measuring where, in the same exercise, children did not achieve any re-
sults. In the activity peanut-shaped therapy ball, all of the 17 children of the
experimental group made progress in all exercises. The children showed the
biggest progress in the second measuring, in the exercises 6 (‘a child gets
off the peanut-shaped therapy ball onto the floor and makes 2 to 4 steps on
his hands’) and 7 (‘a child gets off the peanut-shaped therapy ball onto the
floor and makes 4 to 6 steps on his hands’). Considering the first measuring in
exercise 6, 13 children achieved no results, while in the same exercise, in the
second measuring, all of the 17 children of the experimental group achieved

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