Page 65 - Čotar Konrad Sonja, Borota Bogdana, Rutar Sonja, Drljić Karmen, Jelovčan Giuliana. Ur. 2022. Vzgoja in izobraževanje predšolskih otrok prvega starostnega obdobja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 65
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Certain Aspects of Children’s Participation in Research

The article focuses on the differences between research with children and
adults with a focus on the legal aspect. The introduction of new European leg-
islation on the protection of personal data placed the area of protection of pri-
vacy and the protection of personal data under a number of procedural and
other administrative challenges, including in the field of research. Particularly
sensitive are the encroachments on the privacy of the most vulnerable groups,
including children. Based on the an analysis of contemporary approaches and
conceptions of the child, with particular attention on the so-called theory of
the new sociology of childhood, which understands the child as an indepen-
dent subject in society, we find that research with children’s participation is
in many respects different from research involving adults. In this context, we
highlight some key starting points, which dictate a different approach to chil-

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