Page 102 - Lazar, Irena, ur. 2022. Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za humanistične študije – 20 let / University of Primorska Faculty of Humanities – 20 years. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 102
Renata Lapanja at a Bakalina’s concert.
Source: Department of Anthropology and Cultural studies.

Our graduates

Renata Lapanja graduated from the Faculty of Humanities in Anthropology and Cul-
tural studies in 2012 with a degree in the psychoanalytic interpretation of fairy-tales.
It was her studies at our faculty that led her to discover the richness of folk storytell-
ing. In recent years she has been telling stories, and as a member of the duo Bakali-
na and Bakalina Velika, she has been performing all over Slovenia for over ten years.

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