Page 98 - Lazar, Irena, ur. 2022. Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za humanistične študije – 20 let / University of Primorska Faculty of Humanities – 20 years. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 98

The Department of Anthropology and Cultural Studies has been operating since
2001/02 when one of the first courses, the Cultural Studies and Anthropology, was
implemented at the FH. The Department of Anthropology and Cultural Studies has
3 accredited study programs, namely:

The study program Anthropology is 1st level double-major programme, containing
socio-cultural contents about culture and society. It covers knowledge about the
past and modern ways of life of various social groups (e.g. generational, social, terri-
torial, professional, religious, etc.). It helps us understand the organizational forms,
their structures, and systems, as well as various processes in societies (e.g. cultur-
al adaptation, assimilation, etc.). Anthropology as a comparative and interdiscipli-
nary science is related to the study of migrations, spaces, identities, and behaviour-
al practices. It responds to changes in the modern world in different socio-historical
environments and in in the territories of Europe, the Mediterranean (Istria), Afri-
ca, Asia and America, to social processes, and ethnic processes in the modern lo-
cal, national and global communities of the post-socialist and postcolonial world, in
an intercultural context. The program enables students to get to acquire practical
fieldwork and participate in research work on various projects.

The study program Cultural Studies and Anthropology at the 2nd level was imple-
mented in 2006/07. The postgraduate program Cultural Studies and Anthropolo-
gy is the only interdisciplinary program in Slovenia that connects anthropology and
ethnology with cultural studies. It acquaints students with epistemology, the meth-
odology of qualitative research in anthropology, and comparative analyses of mod-
ern societies and cultures in the postcolonial and post-socialist world. The study
covers the research of everyday life, mobility, and migration, mass media, and pop-
ular culture, the performance of culture and art, and the philosophical study of vis-

The PhD program of Anthropology has been running since 2010/11. It covers the
study of various anthropological sources and their theoretical and ethnographic
interpretations, that prepares students for demanding research work, academic
publication of research results, and the presentation of anthropological topics to a

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