Page 104 - Lazar, Irena, ur. 2022. Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za humanistične študije – 20 let / University of Primorska Faculty of Humanities – 20 years. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 104
e highlights
Employees of the Department of Anthropology and Cultural studies are involved
in scientific and artistic research projects within the Institute for Intercultural Stud-
ies (see there) and the department in which our colleagues are leading researchers,
leaders in a partner organization, or members of groups. In the period 2019-2020,
we have been participating in three Target research program projects on the top-
ic of Roma issues, the old Believers from the Soča area and ethnologist Branislava
Sušnik, and the Interreg project Slovenia - Croatia Myth Park.
The Department of Anthropology and Cultural studies also carries out artistic re-
search in cooperation with various cultural and educational institutions. This ped-
agogical or research methodology was introduced by Aleksandra Schuller, whose
professional work makes a pioneering contribution to the development of art ther-
apies, artistic research, and creative supervision in Slovenia. In the past decade, she
carried out eleven such projects with students of the Faculty of Humanities of Uni-
versity of Primorska and students of the partner University Hochschule für Künste
im Sozialen im Sozialen Ottersberg which were successfully presented to the gener-
al public in the form of staging events and multimedia spatial installations.
Assoc. Prof. Alenka Janko Spreizer, PhD, Head
Employees of the Department of Anthropology and Cultural studies are involved
in scientific and artistic research projects within the Institute for Intercultural Stud-
ies (see there) and the department in which our colleagues are leading researchers,
leaders in a partner organization, or members of groups. In the period 2019-2020,
we have been participating in three Target research program projects on the top-
ic of Roma issues, the old Believers from the Soča area and ethnologist Branislava
Sušnik, and the Interreg project Slovenia - Croatia Myth Park.
The Department of Anthropology and Cultural studies also carries out artistic re-
search in cooperation with various cultural and educational institutions. This ped-
agogical or research methodology was introduced by Aleksandra Schuller, whose
professional work makes a pioneering contribution to the development of art ther-
apies, artistic research, and creative supervision in Slovenia. In the past decade, she
carried out eleven such projects with students of the Faculty of Humanities of Uni-
versity of Primorska and students of the partner University Hochschule für Künste
im Sozialen im Sozialen Ottersberg which were successfully presented to the gener-
al public in the form of staging events and multimedia spatial installations.
Assoc. Prof. Alenka Janko Spreizer, PhD, Head