Page 95 - Lazar, Irena, ur. 2022. Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za humanistične študije – 20 let / University of Primorska Faculty of Humanities – 20 years. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 95
the absence of research and understanding of society, culture, history, heritage,
environmental processes and changes, we could lose our identity and fail to realize
our full potential. However, we would certainly fail to grasp an understanding of to-
day’s society and would not be able to answer some fundamental questions, such
as: who are we?, and what is our role in building the foundations for the future?.
Without knowledge of languages, the world would be reminiscent of the Tower of
Babel, intercultural dialogue would be difficult, and opportunities for mobility and
progress would be fewer. Humanities and social sciences sustain and advance core
characteristics of manhood, thus enhancing cultural humanity.

At present, in addition to eight academic departments, the Faculty also has two re-
search institutes, language centres, and the Confucius Classroom Koper. All these
units contribute to shaping the distinctive character of our faculty and leverage its
potential. We are included in UNESCO networks and chairs programme, and we
have signed numerous international cooperation agreements, which allow our stu-
dents and colleagues to travel the world while also attracting foreign students and,
most importantly, international experts who help advance our didactical practices
and research work.

The jubilee publication gives an overview of our activities and expresses our wish
for the Faculty of Humanities to grow and prosper in all its fields of work in the com-
ing years, drawing on the commitment and positive energy from all of us.

Prof. Irena Lazar, PhD

Dean of the Faculty of Humanities UP

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