Page 241 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 241
Social and Emotional Aspects of the Implementation of the Pedagogical Process

munication. According to Milićević et al. (2021), distance learning is a learning
process in which there is a physical distance between the source of knowl-
edge and the recipient. Distance learning has changed radically with the
development of information and communication technologies (ICT) and
its entry into the pedagogical process. In implementing distance learning,
many initially focused on moving content to an online environment, rather
than necessarily on online pedagogy (Crawford et al. 2020). Today, we can
no longer present the pedagogical process remotely without comprehen-
sive ICT support. Thus, in addition to the concept of pedagogical process at
a distance, distance learning, a whole range of concepts is created, including
e-education, or e-learning. In order to better understand these concepts, it
is necessary to get feedback from the users themselves: students.

Researchers from the USA point out the experiences of students in the ap-
plication of ICT technology in the process of learning and teaching at the
university level. A survey of first-year undergraduate students at a university
in the USA found that students’ attitudes toward introducing educational
technology into teaching were positive, but they still questioned the stu-
dents’ suitability for such learning, which takes time (Buckley et al. 2010). In
this study, these researchers examined students’ attitudes toward the inclu-
sion of several different electronic media and resources, including webmail,
the Internet, Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint, electronic text, video and audio
resources, photography, and so on.

In their study with students in Spain, Sánchez and Hueros (2010) noted a
similar attitude towards using the online classroom Moodle: students sup-
port this way of working, although it depends on the level of technical assis-
tance provided.

Papastergiou (2009), a Greek scientist, studied student learning through
educational computer games and found that this way of working gives
higher learning outcomes compared to classical learning and that the mo-
tivation to learn is higher than in classical learning. Researchers Shaw and
Marlow (1999) found a positive interaction with the learning process, com-
fort and fun compared to traditional learning but also students’ concern
about the lack of personal context.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, online learning and education gained
special importance. It is characteristic of distance learning that the acqui-
sition of knowledge is organized through online teaching, that professors
and students are not in the same locations, and that communication and
interaction take place with the help of computers and various platforms (Pe-
rućica et al. 2021). It is important to pay special attention to the choice of

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