Page 243 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 243
Social and Emotional Aspects of the Implementation of the Pedagogical Process

the tempo, speed and scope of the content presented to students, further
support and engage students through interaction and involvement in on-
line activities, and provide good and timely organization of classes to prevent
distracting emotions such as anxiety.

On the other hand, some researches have shown the increased popular-
ity of online teaching where students express satisfaction with flexibility and
time savings, access to learning content whenever they want, increased in-
dividualization in work that allowed progress at their own pace, saving time
for travel, etc. (Sathishkumar et al. 2020; Bačić and Krstinić 2020); due to all
the above, it is easier to master the material (Bačić and Krstinić 2020).

Research conducted in 20 countries indicated unequal preparation and im-
plementation of the teaching process in the context of regulations and dig-
ital pedagogy (Crawford et al. 2020). Starting from this knowledge and the
need to gain a deeper understanding of the socio-emotional dimension of
online teaching, in our qualitative study we wanted to explore the experi-
ences of students in the Republic of Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in
some socio-emotional elements of online teaching.

Qualitative research was conducted through an online introspective ques-
tionnaire in January 2022 in order to better understand the assessment of
students in Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding their own emo-
tional and social experiences during their studies. We wanted to take a closer
look at motivation, focus, interaction and cooperation, understanding the
material and work challenges in the context of a changed socio-emotional

Respondents were students from the Republic of Slovenia and Bosnia and
Herzegovina, namely 50 students of the Faculty of Education, University of
Primorska, in the study programmes Pedagogy and Inclusive Pedagogy (36
undergraduate and 14 master studies) and 35 students at the Faculty of Phi-
losophy, University of Banja Luka, in the study programme Preschool Educa-
tion (20 undergraduate and 15 master studies). Out of a total of 85 respon-
dents, 83 of them are female, while 2 students are male.

The research instrument is an independently created introspective ques-
tionnaire, composed of 7 open-ended questions with which we wanted to
gain insight into students’ emotional experience, their interaction and coop-
eration, concentration, motivation, work challenges and the comprehensi-
bility of teaching in the online environment in relation to regular classes. We
collected data from respondents through an online survey under the same

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