Page 246 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 246
ksandra Šindić and Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec

21, BiH). Students also point to the fact that most professors tried to motivate

For a small number of students, the motivation during online classes was
the same or even better. According to the students, the reasons for increased
motivation are ‘more challenges during the use of online tools and quick on-
line access to information’ (respondent 12, BiH)) ‘better focus on the material
in the home environment and headphones’ (respondent 13, BiH), and ‘profes-
sors encouraged thinking, prepared active lectures, included students, were
aware of the importance of rest’ (respondent 8, Slovenia). Thus, the research
of Buckley et al. (2010) and Sánchez and Hueros (2010) confirms the positive
attitude of students toward ICT in the process of distance learning, citing as a
problem the time needed to acquire new competencies. It is possible that in-
adequate digital competencies, insufficient pedagogical knowledge for on-
line teaching and various infrastructural problems can also affect the already
challenging learning process. Shaw and Marlow (1999) highlight the positive
attitude of students towards learning through modern educational technol-
ogy, which indicates comfort and fun compared to traditional learning, but
also concern about the lack of personal contact.

A quarter of respondents said that they were just as satisfied with online
teaching as live teaching, of which a smaller number of them were experi-
encing greater relaxation during such classes because it saves time going to
college as an employee and/or living far from the faculty.

Sathishkumar et al. (2020) and Bačić and Krstinić (2020) in their research
identify saving time as one of the main reasons for the popularity of online
teaching. In our research, it was noticed that the popularity of online teach-
ing is more prevalent among older students, those who work and at the same
time attend master’s studies and/or who live far from the faculty. Thus, for ex-
ample, two thirds of master’s students in BiH who study and work at the same
time state that they are completely satisfied with online teaching and/or it
brings them relief and greater relaxation. Also, if we consider the age struc-
ture of the respondents, it could be concluded that more mature students
showed a more emotionally stable response to stress and socio-emotional
adaptation in the changed conditions of online teaching.

It was much easier for me, because I was physically relieved, and also
financially. Therefore, I was able to follow the lessons more relaxed and
I was not too tired, which would certainly have been the case if I had
gone to class after work. I am travelling from another city. (Respondent
1, BiH)

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