Page 417 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 417
Students’ Perspectives on Teaching and Learning in an Online Environment

Among technical conditions, we can single out the sub-topic of adequacy
of learning space at home during online teaching. According to the students,
the distraction factor was often the presence of several people in the room
where the lectures were followed, causing a hindrance to their concentration.

During the online classes, in the dormitory room, several students were
not following the same lectures, so they distracted me and I lost con-

Possessing and Adapting to the Necessary Digital Skills
during Online Teaching
One of the key challenges students faced in online teaching was the need for
rapid adaptation to new online platforms, with insufficient competence for
using them (Gomez Recio and Colella 2020). Students of the Faculty of Edu-
cation had similar experiences, although they stated that this transformation
had a motivating effect for quickly mastering the use of digital tools. It also
empowered them to quickly adapt to some new situations.

No, we did not know much about working on online platforms and
tools and we were forced to learn quickly.

Since we learned this quickly, I believe we will also be able to learn to
use some other tools quickly, as soon as we need it.

Mastering new platforms and tools was not systematically organized
for students, so they acquired additional skills individually or with the
help and support of colleagues.

Using too many different platforms and tools in online teaching can be
an aggravating circumstance for students (Aristovnik et al. 2020). The sur-
veyed students in our sample also encountered similar problems. They stated
there were too many different platforms and tools used by individual profes-
sors during online lectures, which further burdened them and hindered their
pace of learning.

At some point, there were too many different applications within dif-
ferent subjects, so we suggested to the professors to unify the applica-
tions they used for teaching.

However, students took advantage of the experience with individual plat-
forms and continued to work in them even after online teaching was over, in
the situations of joint student projects.

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