Page 421 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 421
Students’ Perspectives on Teaching and Learning in an Online Environment

Assessment of One’s Own Training for the Implementation of Online
Teaching in Future Professional Work
Having in mind the fact that the research sample consisted of students who
are future class teachers, we were interested in how they evaluate their train-
ing for independent online teaching and the implementation of certain dig-
ital tools in teaching. Most students believe they are not sufficiently trained
to conduct online classes. Their insecurity is manifested in the preparation
of materials for online teaching (adaptation of materials to the needs of stu-
dents) and in the assessment of students in online teaching (monitoring and
objectivity of assessment). Some of the students’ statements illustrating their
opinions are:

We have to pay attention to many elements while preparing the lessons
and during their implementation.

We are not trained to adapt learning materials in electronic form, espe-
cially if we have to fit them to individual needs.

When evaluating students, many elements have to be observed and
that is hard, and I don’t even know how objective I would be in grading
(maybe someone at home helps the children, etc.)

Finally, the students presented key shortcomings related to the conditions
of online learning during the pandemic. They all agreed that the biggest
shortcoming was the lack of contact, i.e. the lack of interaction with teach-
ers and with each other (in learning as well as in the spontaneous interac-
tions and socializing they have under regular conditions). According to them,
these shortcomings were some of the factors that contributed to the limited
sense of satisfaction and motivation.

As an advantage, the students pointed out that this specific situation
forced them to learn how to use new digital tools. In their opinion, it is the
greatest benefit they gained during learning in an online environment.

Educational experience of online teaching during the pandemic has shown
that digital tools and distance learning platforms offer a wide range of learn-
ing opportunities, from the acquisition of conceptual knowledge, to basic
skills for teacher feedback, following the teaching content by students, and
above all, providing basic conditions for the implementation of teaching in
changed social circumstances.

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