Page 416 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 416
ija Zlatić, Jelena Stamatović, and Mirjana Stakić

scribe or explain specific segments of learning conditions in online teach-
ing during the pandemic. After that, further analysis was performed in the
identified thematic statements of the students, connecting and merging the
determined categories with subcategories that explained the phenomena
more clearly. Finally, the findings were linked to the results of some previous
research on similar phenomena and the theoretical framework.

Results and Discussion
The thematic analysis of the discussion content highlighted several topics
indicating the factors and conditions of online teaching.

Previous Experience with Online Teaching before the COVID-19 Pandemic
Students generally had no experience with online teaching before the pan-

We encountered online teaching for the first time during the pandemic.

Several students stated they had of experience with this type of teaching
through the elective module of the IT group of subjects.

We encountered online teaching within IT elective subjects.

Some findings show that the scope of distance learning in university teach-
ing in the Republic of Serbia is rather small. Namely, only about twenty facul-
ties have had accredited distance learning study programmes in the previous
four years (Marković 2021). The fact is that the trend of online teaching exists;
however, its implementation is slow.

Technical Conditions in Which Students Worked in an Online Environment
Based on the analysis of the discussion products, we identified several sub-
topics that described more clearly the technical conditions in which online
teaching took place. The first sub-topic referred to the accessibility of net-
works and the Internet to students at home. A number of students faced
problems related to the accessibility of the Internet.

I had a problem with the Internet network overloading in the dormi-
tory, because a large number of us used the available network at the
same time.

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