Page 413 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 413
Students’ Perspectives on Teaching and Learning in an Online Environment

they felt especially worried when taking such exams and whether they would
achieve budget funding for further studies (Stojanović and Vukov 2020).

Numerous studies have tried to answer the question of whether online
teaching is better and more effective than regular teaching in the classroom.
In his review, Mseleku (2020) cites results confirming the fact that despite
the growing popularity of online teaching, traditional classroom teaching is
the choice for most students, because working in a classroom is closer to re-
ality, providing students with the opportunities to reflect, discuss and de-
bate with their colleagues and teachers. However, we find different results in
a Spanish study (Iglesias-Pradas et al. 2021) showing that the surveyed stu-
dents achieved better academic results in online teaching compared to the
previous two academic years when teaching was conducted regularly. This
research also shows the impact of the study year on the academic achieve-
ments of students due to the greater experience of older students in the use
of learning management systems, as well as better organizational skills and
communication with teachers (Iglesias-Pradas et al. 2021). A study examin-
ing students’ expectations of online teaching during the pandemic in Poland
found that the most important factors in the effectiveness of online teaching
were students’ satisfaction with this form of teaching and their sense of self-
efficacy (Cicha et al. 2021).

In the context of online teaching, due to the pandemic, in universities, it
was evident that individual characteristics of students such as personality
traits, demographic characteristics, learning style, cognitive characteristics,
characteristics of previous learning and previous experience, motivation, in-
dependence in learning, adequate time management, structuring time for
task development, goal setting, self-regulation and personal responsibility,
time management, metacognition, perseverance and critical thinking con-
tribute to success when attending online lectures (Broadbent and Poon 2015;
Money and Dean 2019; Wang et al. 2019). Students with higher emotional in-
telligence also showed a higher level of emotional attachment – better peer
relationships, not only in the traditional classroom, but also in online learn-
ing. Students’ social connections are related to their social interactions (Han
and Johnson 2012). In the survey of students’ satisfaction with online teach-
ing, the results show that they generally prefer live teaching, as well as the
fact that they have a problem in adapting to distance learning. Students’ atti-
tudes, motivation, self-efficacy and use of technology play an important role
in their cognitive engagement and academic achievement. Those who gladly
accepted online teaching were more cognitively engaged and better moti-
vated to learn in these conditions (Aguilera-Hermida 2020).

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