Page 105 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 105
What Can We Improve
unpredictable target audience, it is important that the app offers dif-
ferent levels of exercises so that users can choose them according to
their needs.
5. The principle of relying on students’ experience can only be realized
in the classroom in contact with a teacher, who encourages students’
oral and written expression (Ivanuš Grmek & Mithans, 2021, p. 37),
which cannot be monitored and assessed with language guidance
apps. This includes creating a relaxed atmosphere, trust and accep-
tance, therefore the content included in the app should not be dis-
criminatory, exclusive or offensive.
6. The principle of leaning standard language in everyday use by stu-
dents is relevant especially for the didactics of Slovenian as the first
language, as each student enters school with an accent (or colloquial
language) and should be introduced to the standard variety gradually
(Ivanuš Grmek & Mithans, 2021, p. 38). When learning a foreign lan-
guage, the standard variety should present the base for learning, with
a special emphasis on language usage. For foreign speakers it is of the
utmost importance to be able to communicate in Slovenian as soon
as possible, so the app must offer them to learn the most common
everyday phrases, vocabulary and communication patterns, thus en-
hancing communicative skills.
7. The principle of priority of the spoken language over the written va-
riety recommends that the teacher guides learners from spoken to
written language (Ivanuš Grmek & Mithans, 2021, p. 38). The speech
component is the most problematic in learning a foreign language on
an app, as a dialogue is possible only if speakers receive appropriate
answers or feedback, which is difficult in the absence of a teacher.
A language guidance app thus primarily enables the development of
passive communicative skills (i.e. reading, grammatical ability, and
listening), while there are fewer options for learners’ language pro-
ductions (i.e. writing and speaking), due to app limitations.
8. The principles of scientific and systematic methodology require from
the teacher to teach in accordance with the findings of modern Slove-
nian studies, and present contents in a way that students can later
upgrade and meaningfully link to (Ivanuš Grmek & Mithans, 2021, p.
38). This principle should also be considered when designing an app,
as the exercises have to be based on the findings of modern Slovenian
studies. Hence, authors must have the necessary knowledge and be
properly trained. In addition to relevant knowledge, practical expe-
unpredictable target audience, it is important that the app offers dif-
ferent levels of exercises so that users can choose them according to
their needs.
5. The principle of relying on students’ experience can only be realized
in the classroom in contact with a teacher, who encourages students’
oral and written expression (Ivanuš Grmek & Mithans, 2021, p. 37),
which cannot be monitored and assessed with language guidance
apps. This includes creating a relaxed atmosphere, trust and accep-
tance, therefore the content included in the app should not be dis-
criminatory, exclusive or offensive.
6. The principle of leaning standard language in everyday use by stu-
dents is relevant especially for the didactics of Slovenian as the first
language, as each student enters school with an accent (or colloquial
language) and should be introduced to the standard variety gradually
(Ivanuš Grmek & Mithans, 2021, p. 38). When learning a foreign lan-
guage, the standard variety should present the base for learning, with
a special emphasis on language usage. For foreign speakers it is of the
utmost importance to be able to communicate in Slovenian as soon
as possible, so the app must offer them to learn the most common
everyday phrases, vocabulary and communication patterns, thus en-
hancing communicative skills.
7. The principle of priority of the spoken language over the written va-
riety recommends that the teacher guides learners from spoken to
written language (Ivanuš Grmek & Mithans, 2021, p. 38). The speech
component is the most problematic in learning a foreign language on
an app, as a dialogue is possible only if speakers receive appropriate
answers or feedback, which is difficult in the absence of a teacher.
A language guidance app thus primarily enables the development of
passive communicative skills (i.e. reading, grammatical ability, and
listening), while there are fewer options for learners’ language pro-
ductions (i.e. writing and speaking), due to app limitations.
8. The principles of scientific and systematic methodology require from
the teacher to teach in accordance with the findings of modern Slove-
nian studies, and present contents in a way that students can later
upgrade and meaningfully link to (Ivanuš Grmek & Mithans, 2021, p.
38). This principle should also be considered when designing an app,
as the exercises have to be based on the findings of modern Slovenian
studies. Hence, authors must have the necessary knowledge and be
properly trained. In addition to relevant knowledge, practical expe-