Page 108 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 108
a Pavletić, Klara Šumenjak, and Jana Volk

mental case: the cases are not treated systematically but in typical
phrases, e.g. Grem v šolo., Sem pri banki., Vozim se z avtobusom., etc.,
used on the app mostly in multiple-choice exercises;
4. The 1st declension nouns in singular in the nominative case: the nomina-
tive case of singular and plural nouns is introduced – the dual is left
out at level a 1 as basic communication is possible without the dual

Exercises for vocabulary acquisition and expansion cover the following

1. Personal identity and presentation: the exercises contain vocabulary
and patterns that enable learners to introduce themselves, their fam-
ily and give personal data (name, surname, gender, address, city,
country, telephone number, e-mail address, languages mastered);

2. Greetings: learners get familiar with formal and informal Slovenian
greetings, e.g. good morning, hello, goodbye, good afternoon, etc. (sl.
dobro jutro, živijo, nasvidenje, dober dan, etc.);

3. Nationality and countries: exercises contain vocabulary needed to de-
scribe the European countries near Slovenia and their nationals;

4. Numbers: exercises include numbers from 1 to 100, and are intro-
duced to a counting pattern up to a million;

5. Time and days: vocabulary exercises introduce the names of the days
of the week, while only the basic pattern of giving time is presented,
i.e. the hour and minutes, e.g. It’s nine and thirty (sl. Ura je devet in
trideset minut.);

6. Computer and e-mail parts: the basic parts of the computer and an e-
mail are presented, e.g. mouse, keyboard, message, subject, etc. (sl.
miška, tipkovnica, sporočilo, zadeva, etc.);

7. Abbreviations of academic titles: only scientific and academic abbrevi-
ations for university employees are included, e.g. dr., asist., izr. prof.,

8. University and college matters: the basic vocabulary is presented, like
premises, studies and employees, e.g. administration, dean, lecture
hall, hallway, etc. (sl. referat, dekan, predavalnica, hodnik, etc.);

9. Travel: introduces vocabulary and patterns linked to buying tickets,
booking, bus schedule, etc.

The level a 2 has 188 exercises that are designed for users who met

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