Page 104 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 104
a Pavletić, Klara Šumenjak, and Jana Volk

considered when designing a language guidance app. In terms of didac-
tics of the Slovenian language for elementary schools, the book Didaktika
slovenskega jezika v osnovni šoli, Žagar (1996) proposes nine didactic prin-
ciples, which need to be considered to a certain extent, when designing
a language guidance app for learning Slovenian as a second/foreign lan-

1. The principles of suitability of lessons for the individual developmen-
tal stage of students and graduality require that new knowledge be
introduced gradually, i.e. from simple to complex, from known to un-
known, from concrete to abstract, while considering students’ phys-
ical and psychological abilities. (Ivanuš Grmek & Mithans, 2021, p.
35) The latter proved to be difficult to consider as we lack the infor-
mation on target audiences and decisions are based on the authors’

2. The principles of individualization and differentiation of lessons are
based on the individual needs of each student (Ivanuš Grmek &
Mithans, 2021, p. 36) that is already difficult to attain for the teacher
in the classroom, but almost impossible when creating and devel-
oping an app. Thus, an app needs to be as universal as possible, i.e.
suitable for the widest possible range of users.

3. The principle of clarity is one of the most important principles in
learning and acquiring a foreign language, as learners encounter ab-
stract concepts and rules, especially in grammar (Ivanuš Grmek &
Mithans, 2021, p. 36). Clarity is even more important when using
an app. In the absence of a teacher’s explanation, it is crucial for
the learner to independently understand and successfully master the
materials. This concerns not only the clarity of interpretation but
also the adequacy of visual materials, the appearance of exercises, the
combination of colours, the size of the fonts, layout, etc. (Jurkovič,
2015, p. 26).

4. The principles of activity and awareness focus on active involvement
of learners, their motivation and practical use of the acquired knowl-
edge. It is imperative that the materials provided are not too easy for
learners, as this can affect their motivation and the quality of lessons
(Ivanuš Grmek & Mithans, 2021, p. 37). The app should therefore con-
tain different types of exercises, which must be interactive and en-
courage a problem-based approach and critical thinking, while de-
veloping all the components of communicative competence. Due to

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