Page 107 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 107
What Can We Improve

– Level a2 speakers can understand sentences and frequently used ex-
pressions related to basic areas (e.g. basic personal and family infor-
mation, shopping, local geography, employment); can communicate
in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange
of information on familiar and routine matters; can describe them-
selves and their immediate environment in simple terms as well meet
their immediate needs.

– Level b 1 speakers can understand the main points of clear standard
input on familiar matters regularly encountered at work, school,
leisure, etc.; can handle most of the situations that arise frequently
while travelling in the country where the language is spoken; can pro-
duce simple connected texts on topics which are familiar or of per-
sonal interest; can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes
and ambitions as well as briefly give reasons and explanations for
opinions and plans.

The level a1 has 60 exercises that are designed in such a way that learn-
ers without previous knowledge, or with minimal knowledge of Slovene,
can successfully do them, thus gaining key communication competences
at entry level. The level a 1 exercises focus primarily on basic vocabulary,
which is essential for successful communication in the Slovenian language.
The majority of these exercises are performed by matching and choosing
the correct answer, as the level a 1 learners normally have no or minimal
knowledge of Slovenian. We have avoided using type-in exercises, as such
tasks suit better learners at higher levels.

The a1 level exercises have been, within the possibilities of the app, de-
signed to enable learners to develop grammar skills and acquire basic vo-

The grammar exercises cover the following topics:

1. The Present Tense form of verbs (regular and irregular forms) in singular
and plural: introducing basic verbs, essential for survival communi-
cation, i.e. be, have, study, buy, call etc. (sl. biti, imeti, študirati, kupiti,

2. The feminine and masculine forms of nouns and adjectives: certain exer-
cises draw attention to the feminine and masculine forms of nouns
and adjectives, e.g. to recognize the feminine suffix -a, to fill in miss-
ing feminine/masculine forms, etc.;

3. The 1st declension nouns in singular in the accusative, locative and instru-

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