Page 118 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 118
a Pavletić, Klara Šumenjak, and Jana Volk

The process of developing the exercises brought forth numerous technical
and content-related limitations that resulted in including on the app a lim-
ited range of exercises (match, type-in, multiple choice) of limited length
and scope, while ordering of the exercises according to didactic principles
was not possible (randomly selected by the app). One of the shortcomings
of the exercises is the fact that users mostly develop grammar abilities,
while communication activities – listening, reading and independent writ-
ing – are very limited, as they are not enabled by (or have numerous re-
strictions in) the app. We agree with the opinion of the users who tested
the app that the instructions should be easily accessible and visible while
doing the exercises, without constantly returning to the instructions icon.
A short explanation of the tested exercise and a text describing the aims
of each lesson, along with a brief presentation of the basic grammar fea-
tures would enhance understanding of the structure and functioning of
the Slovenian language and have a positive impact on the overall learning
experience. Users would, moreover, benefit from tables presenting gram-
mar rules, which should be accessible at their fingertips, as a shortcut in
the grammar exercise. We believe that the app is a suitable accessory com-
plimenting traditional learning, but consider it less appropriate for inde-
pendent learning of the Slovenian language.


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Braşov: Philology and Cultural Studies, 14(2), 19–28.

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Fakulteta za informacijske študije v Novem mestu.

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jezika. In D. Haramija & S. Pulko, Pogledi na slovenščino kot neprvi jezik v
zgodnjem izobraževanju (pp. 29–62). Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna

Jurkovič, A. (2015). Slovenščina za vsak žep: računalniška aplikacija za začetno
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sis]. Univerza na Primorskem.

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In N. Čebron, P. Romanowski, & J. Cergol Gabrovec (Eds.), LanGuide

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