Page 116 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 116
a Pavletić, Klara Šumenjak, and Jana Volk

into text. In that case, it would be best to use type-in templates, requiring
learners to independently type in words or names of individual parts of
an e-mail. Because the app does not support exercises for correcting mis-
takes, the b 1 exercise should be completely transformed and a new type
of exercise should be added to the app selection – correcting mistakes.

We see the main advantage of the LanGuide app in its existence, as there
are not many apps specific for learning Slovenian. It includes grammar ex-
ercises which can, with teachers’ help, present a solid basis for refreshing
knowledge, preparing for exams, etc. When eliminating its technical short-
comings, namely its accessibility on all types of mobile phones, the main
advantage of the LangGuide app is the possibility of its usage on mobile
phones, which is especially useful if one cannot use a computer.

Improvement Suggestions
The suggestions for improvements of the app can also be roughly divided
into two types, i.e. those related to technology and those related to con-

Technical Improvements
1. The first and most important improvement suggestion is to make the
app accessible for all mobile and desktop operating systems, thus pro-
viding a better experience for all users (some of them prefer working
with a computer while others prefer smartphones).
2. The exercises should be displayed in the order set by the author and
not randomly chosen by the app as is the case now. A thoughtfully
arranged structure of exercises, as opposed to random exercises, is
much better for learning a language as it allows users to gradually
build their knowledge in terms of grammar and content.
3. The visual image of the app should be graphically and chromatically
refined, the instructions highlighted, bubbles with instructions or ta-
bles added, and a list with exercises order included. A simpler way of
downloading the app to smartphones would also contribute to a bet-
ter user experience.

Content-Related Improvements
1. Exercises should also have a description indicating what the exercise
is testing and its objectives, as well tables with certain grammatical

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