Page 115 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 115
What Can We Improve

Put the contents of the email in the correct order (sl. Povežite vsebino elektronske 
pošte v pravilnem vrstnem redu). 

(sl. Prejemnik: 

Thank you and best regards, 
(sl. Hvala in lep pozdrav,)

I would like to inform you that the LanGuide project team will meet on Monday, 
March , , at :. (sl. Obveščam vas, da bo sestanek projektne skupine LanGuide 
v ponedeljek, . . , ob ..)

Please confirm your presence by Monday, February , .
(sl. Prosim, da do ponedeljka, . . , potrdite svojo prisotnost.)

(sl. Pošiljatelj:

I am sending you all the necessary documentation related to the project and the
planned topics of the meeting in the attachment. (sl. V priponki vam pošiljam vso
potrebno dokumentacijo v zvezi s projektom in predvidene teme sestanka.)

Dear Asst Prof Maja Novak, PhD,
(sl. Spoštovana doc. dr. Maja Novak!)

LanGuide Team
(sl. ekipa LanGuide)

Subject: Meeting
(sl. Zadeva: Sestanek)

Figure 5.2 Example of an Exercise at the Level b1

Find and correct the mistakes in the text (sl. V besedilu poiščite in popravite napake).

Zadeva: Sestanek
Poštovana docent doktor Novak Maja!
Obveščam vas, da bo sestanek projetkne skupine Languide v pondeljek, .., ob . uri.
V priponki pošljem vam vso potrebno dokumentacijo v vezi projektom i predvidene
teme sestanka.
Prosim da do pondeljka .. potrdite svojo prisutnost.
Hvala in ljep pozdrav,
ekipa Langudie

Figure 5.3 Example of an Exercise at the Level b1 (the exercise cannot be translated
due to the specifics of the language and exercise)

(a1 and a2 drag and drop), and then shortened, as the app does not sup-
port lengthy texts, i.e. does not show them correctly. The app furthermore
does not support drag and drop exercises with graphic material, therefore
the exercise for a1 should be changed by converting the graphic material

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