Page 128 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 128
ía Dolores Lozano, Enrique Arias, and Pablo Bermejo

Figure 6.10
Information Provided before the Creation
of a Multiple-Choice Exercise (above)
Figure 6.11
Exercise Categorization Form as Defined
in the LanGuide Methodology (right)

Figure 6.12 Detail of Some Options from the Exercise Categorization

Some details of the categorization options are shown in Figure 6.12,
where we can see the number of available Languages in which authors can
create exercises, the Fields, Skills and Learning person, to show but a few.

In addition to the categorization fields, the exercises are modelled with
a series of metadata that define their presentation and final behaviour.
Authors have the possibility to include a link to a YouTube video, insert an
image, text or audio file from the repository of multimedia resources.

As an example, next we show the metadata definition of a ‘Type in the
gap’ exercise (see Figure 6.13).
   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130   131   132   133