Page 139 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 139
Mobile Application as a Learning Tool
generate a set of standalone features to be developed by the development
team. The features were then organized in distinct categories, and a devel-
opment time plan was generated. Figure 7.1 shows the Miro board gener-
ated through these meetings.
The feature set and the resulting development plan allowed us to divide
the development into three distinct areas, where one partner would be re-
sponsible for developing the feature set. The feature sets and responsible
teams are as follows:
– LanGuide Content Manager Application. This is a web-based applica-
tion that can be used by language experts to add new exercises to the
system. The team is managed by uc lm, Spain. The content manager
is discussed in a separate document.
– LanGuide Mobile Application. This is a mobile application for Android
devices that allows the learners to view and practice the exercises on
their mobile devices. This team is managed by m du, Sweden.
– LanGuide User Manager. This application analyses a user’s progress
through a period of time. The responsible team is managed by uniri,
Development of The Mobile Application
An agile development strategy was employed in the development of the
LanGuide Mobile Application. At each stint, a set of features were selected
and developed. The result would then be shared with the LanGuide part-
ners for performing initial tests and reporting feedback to the develop-
ment team.
The LanGuide mobile application is developed on Flutter¹ Development
Kit. The database is developed on m ys ql Server hosted by m du and Fire-
base² is used for error reporting and App distribution among partners.
Through the internal testing and feedback from partners, the user inter-
face has gone under some revisions and small bugs have been eliminated
to provide a good User eXperience (ux) to the learners.
LanGuide Mobile Application
Upon running the mobile application, a login screen is presented to the
user (Figure 7.2). The user can login with an existing account or register a
generate a set of standalone features to be developed by the development
team. The features were then organized in distinct categories, and a devel-
opment time plan was generated. Figure 7.1 shows the Miro board gener-
ated through these meetings.
The feature set and the resulting development plan allowed us to divide
the development into three distinct areas, where one partner would be re-
sponsible for developing the feature set. The feature sets and responsible
teams are as follows:
– LanGuide Content Manager Application. This is a web-based applica-
tion that can be used by language experts to add new exercises to the
system. The team is managed by uc lm, Spain. The content manager
is discussed in a separate document.
– LanGuide Mobile Application. This is a mobile application for Android
devices that allows the learners to view and practice the exercises on
their mobile devices. This team is managed by m du, Sweden.
– LanGuide User Manager. This application analyses a user’s progress
through a period of time. The responsible team is managed by uniri,
Development of The Mobile Application
An agile development strategy was employed in the development of the
LanGuide Mobile Application. At each stint, a set of features were selected
and developed. The result would then be shared with the LanGuide part-
ners for performing initial tests and reporting feedback to the develop-
ment team.
The LanGuide mobile application is developed on Flutter¹ Development
Kit. The database is developed on m ys ql Server hosted by m du and Fire-
base² is used for error reporting and App distribution among partners.
Through the internal testing and feedback from partners, the user inter-
face has gone under some revisions and small bugs have been eliminated
to provide a good User eXperience (ux) to the learners.
LanGuide Mobile Application
Upon running the mobile application, a login screen is presented to the
user (Figure 7.2). The user can login with an existing account or register a