Page 143 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 143
Mobile Application as a Learning Tool

– 
– 
– 
– 
– 

+ 

Figure 7.13 Age Distribution of the Participants

Male  
Female Participants’ Gender
Other 

Figure 7.14

Strongly Agree  
Neutral 
Strongly Disagree 

Figure 7.15 Navigation within the App

Strongly agree 

Disagree 

Strongly disagree 

Figure 7.16 Using the Tutorial

Strongly agree 

Agree 

Neutral 

Disagree 

Strongly disagree 

Figure 7.17 Usefulness of the App

The participants were from all ages, but mostly (82) are between the ages
of 18 and 24, and are female (Figure 7.13 and Figure 7.14). After using the
app for several days, the participants are asked to fill-in a questionnaire
which includes questions on the usability of the app.

Most of the participants find it easy to navigate through the app and can
easily use its functionalities (Figure 7.15). They also think that the tutorials
which are designed to teach them how to use the app were helpful and
made it easy to understand how to use the application (Figure 7.16).

Finally, most of the participants (60) have a positive view on the use-

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