Page 52 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 52
reea Nechifor and Cristina Dimulescu

multinational. The linguists’ team was composed of teachers with experi-
ence in l 2 teaching, teaching l 1 as a foreign language and teaching l 2
for specific purposes from Romania (Transilvania University of Braşov),
Slovenia (University of Primorska), Spain (University of Castilla-La Man-
cha) and Croatia (University of Zadar), while the i t team consisted of spe-
cialists in software development from Croatia (University of Rijeka) and
Sweden (Mälardalen University).

The project results were approached according to a Gantt diagram plan-
ning, but were left open for completion, after each started, until the end of
the project, to make room improvement anytime on the way. Considering
the specificity of the project, they counted on a good relationship between
the two teams, as they were mainly intended to take place in joint meet-
ings. After each common workroom, the two teams would produce their
specifically discussed and agreed upon output, and on the occasion of the
next meeting they would harmonize, once again, the linguistic content-
production with the perspective brought by the computer science engi-

For this, a three-step approach was considered in the making of the exer-
cise’s continuum: firstly, linguists designed a general linguistic framework
of tasks production for the English language, for all the fields mentioned
above, which was subjected to review by peers. Then, the linguistic team
was in charge with the creation of the exercises per-se, both for English
and for their own languages, starting from the framework agreed upon, in
order to comply with the rule of internal consistency.

Secondly, the i t team created the digital framework or the Content
Management Platform, which represented the background matrix for the
future mobile application where the entire data basis of the exercises al-
ready created by the linguistic team was uploaded, according to the in-
structions received from the colleagues from the i t team, to observe the
same rule of internal symmetry for the sake order, logical categorization
and coherence. Afterwards, the linguists uploaded the tasks created in the
Content Manager (c m) and in the depository accompanying it, where they
consigned any image and/or video/audio file that would accompany a cer-
tain exercise. At the same time, the template of the exercises was tailored
to fit frames devised for the mobile application: drag and drop, multiple
choice, and fill-in, the first two under the form of drop-down menus.

Thirdly, the i t specialists created the mobile application envisioned,
starting from the format in which the linguists molded into shape their
exercises, after extracting them from the c m. Mention needs to be made

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