Page 57 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 57
What Kind of l s p Does LanGuide Propose?

Figure 2.7 Student/Basic/Secretarial/Understanding & Applying/Reading/Fill-in
 As a newly arrived Erasmus+ student at Transilvania University of Braşov, can you tell

me whom I should contact regarding my accomodation with the university?
 Hello, I am looking for my Erasmus+ coordinator, Ms. Cristiana Demetrescu.
 That would be very kind of you. And yes, as a matter of fact I would, as I haven’t eaten

since my arrival in Braşov, at noon.
 What shall I take to get to my hotel, Mr. Dragu?
 Good afternoon, Ms. May. I am Cornelia Dragu. I am the secretary of the Erasmus+

department at Transilvania University of Braşov. Welcome to Braşov!
a Can I take your coat, Ms. May. Would you like a biscuit?
b I can call a taxi for you, Ms. May. We usually recommend Martax, as a private

c Hello, can I help you?
d Good afternoon. My name is May, Dora May, and I am assistant lecturer at the

University of Manchester. I have just arrived for my teaching mobility at your
university. Is this the secretarial office of the Erasmus+ department?
e You’ll have to speak to our vice-rector, Mr. Doru Muntanescu, who is responsible for
for any student-related matters, including room distribution in our university’s
Figure 2.8 Administrative Staff/Beginner/Secretarial/Understanding/Speaking/Match

searchers participating in the project from the Romanian team, an element
which could be categorised as funnily contributing to a linguistic game for
possible guests who could recognize it as such.

The problems one may have with the application file ‘unless you bring the
original papers’ (Figure 2.1), writing to the Dean of the Faculty of Letters

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