Page 53 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 53
What Kind of l s p Does LanGuide Propose?

that all this was mapped out on Miro’s canvas, which served as the back-
bone of the mobile application, which was designed online with the help of
everyone engaged in the project, allowing the final product to benefit from
both linguists’ and software professionals’ viewpoints on: registration, in-
teraction, user options in terms of language targeted for practice, language
level, field of interest and personae, exercise display and traceability.

In the final stages before release, the application was subjected to in-
ternal and external trials, testing, and stakeholder feedback, which was
officially collected in the form of anonymous answers to an online Google
form questionnaire that aimed at collecting information on both the qual-
ity of the linguists’ exercises and the quality and user friendliness of the
application designed by the i t specialists.

In this way, the LanGuide experts took into account Schulze’s (2017) as-
pects regarding the inter-dependence of the actors involved in c a l l, as
well as the roles of interpersonal relationships and learner-environment
interactions. These are mirrored not only in the way the teams collab-
orated, as explained above, abiding by both current educational proce-
dures and their universities’ regulations, but also, and perhaps more im-
portantly, in the way the linguists constructed the exercises: appropriately
placing the users of the application, by means of each task instruction, in
meaningful situations, such as those of the academic field, of a mobility
exchange, of a clerical or institutional position.

In view of all of the above, the LanGuide methodology to foreign lan-
guage improvement fruitfully eliminates the aspect of disconnected, ab-
stract variables, which was stated earlier as one of the primary issues with
c a l l, while the sociolinguistic element is beautifully accommodated at
the same time satisfying the scholarly prerequisites of drilling and perfect-
ing for language development and quality enhancement.

The Curious Case of ‘Culturacy’ in the LanGuide English Exercises
Besides the characteristic of c a l l on which the entire project approach
was based, another aspect was accounted for by LanGuide, i.e., the cultural
element. For the natives of the host-countries, who are offered the oppor-
tunity to polish their specialised vocabulary in English, in the specialised
fields that the LanGuide application contains, Gay’s approach to the cul-
tural element is addressed, as mentioned in the literature review section,
as they will be able to identify traces of their native countries’ cultural rep-
resentations and simply focus, in a familiar context, on the cognitive aim
of the exercises they drill.

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