Page 42 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 42
ena lazar ■ pogled skozi steklo • a look through the glass 42 230). Chemical analysis of the raw glass and frag- of globular form on a high-ringed base (Lazar
ments of bottles has shown that the glass had the 2003a, fig. 2: 3.6.5.), which has no analogies. It
same composition, further evidence in support was found in a grave from the 2nd century, and
of the hypothesis. its unique nature leads to the assumption that
this was a local product. The last group of hy-
Figure 15: Jug with trail decoration on the neck, Ptuj, pothesized local products is composed of small
individual find, Regional Museum Ptuj Ormož (photo: bottles and jugs with globular bodies and an
applied decoration of glass trails, which are nu-
Tomaž Lauko). merous among the material from Ptuj. Their
Slika 15: Vrček z nataljenim okrasom niti na vratu, Ptuj, common characteristic is an almost uniform
manner of forming the applied decoration (fig-
posamična najdba, Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj Ormož ure/slika 15).
(foto: Tomaž Lauko).
On the basis of the glass and pottery finds
The typological analysis of the glass from discovered next to the glass furnaces, it can be
the sites at Ptuj has pointed to some products established that the workshops were active in
that stand out in terms of form and could have the 2nd and 3rd centuries, more specifically at least
been produced in local workshops. The larg- in the first half of the latter. The finds from the
est group consists of balsamaria with a stepped end of the 1st century are too minimal for the be-
widened neck at the juncture with the rim. The ginning of glass manufacture in Poetovio to be
form does not appear at other sites however it placed in an earlier period.
is a characteristic offering in the graves of Po-
etovio. The second interesting form is a goblet The numerous settlement and grave finds
from Poetovio enable analysis and comparison of
the development of the town and the reflection
of this in the material culture and, in this case,
the glass products. Poetovio received the status
of a colonia during the reign of the emperor Tra-
jan and experienced, in the following two centu-
ries, a period of the greatest development in both
the economic and political sense, since the town
functioned as the seat of the Illyrian customs
service (Horvat et al. 2003, 153).

The material from Poetovio includes a few
glass products from the first half of the 1st cen-
tury. The glass vessels then increased by almost
300% from the second half of the 1st century on-
wards (Lazar 2001, 34). These were simple and
mostly undecorated products for everyday use.
The majority of forms remained in use in the fol-
lowing century, when the spectrum of shapes was
supplemented and new decorations appeared.
The range of forms shrunk in the 3rd century, un-
til in the 4th century they were limited primarily
to forms intended for drinking. It is interesting
that despite the limited spectrum of glass vessels
in use in the 4th century, the cemeteries of Po-
etovio still show regular use of glass objects and
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