Page 44 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 44
na lazar ■ pogled skozi steklo • a look through the glass 44 The above-mentioned finds with inscrip- vessels predominate. Only in the first half of the 1st cen-
tions and base marks provide a rich source of tury were all three manufacturing techniques more or
knowledge on the trade contacts and the extent less equally represented, while the quantity of prod-
of the trade with glass products, of the outstand- ucts indicates relative equality between them. The
ing and innovative individuals that outgrew the glass material from the Roman period has been classi-
boundaries of their regions and used the func- fied into ten groups of vessels (plates, bowls, beakers, la-
tioning of the Empire to their advantage in order dles, jars, bottles, jugs, cosmetic vessels, and lamps). The
to rise and develop their creativity and initiative. representation of individual groups of products in rela-
tion to their use showed a great predominance in table-
The new finds from the south-eastern Al- ware (70%). Storage and transport were the purposes of
pine region as well as from the Adriatic coast re- 21% of the vessels. A review of the number of variants per
veal intense trade contacts, during the Repub- individual form also shows that products that served as
lican and early Imperial periods, between the part of table service were best represented. Bowls and
Adriatic region and its hinterland (Aquileia– beakers stand out from the remaining glass products in
Emona–Celeia–Poetovio; Aquileia–Emona–Sis- terms of quantity and the number of variants. Their rep-
cia; Aquileia–Pula–Iader) as well as with the resentation and interrelation are comparable through-
eastern Mediterranean as the centre of develop- out several centuries. Although beakers exceed bowls
ment for the craft of glass-making. in number, growth in the number of variants was noted
for both forms from the end of the 1st century and in the
The legacy of glass vessels in Slovenia and 2nd century, with a considerable decline in subsequent
the wider Adriatic region with several important centuries. The comparison of the number of forms and
Roman sites is extensive and further studies will their variants through the centuries showed a high in-
certainly enable numerous comparisons, analy- crease in the number of variants in the 1st century, the
ses, as well as interdisciplinary research. second century witnessed a continuation of exceptional
growth in the use of glass products. At the end of the 3rd
Summary and during the 4th and 5th centuries there is a significant
decline in the number of forms. Valuable vessels of the
In Slovenia, the first glass finds are known from the Urn- late Roman period, such as bowls with wheel-cut figural
field Culture period. In the early Iron Age, the area wit- decoration, diatreta products, and those with gold me-
nessed an extraordinary diversification of glass decora- dallions, are relatively rare in Slovenia. All these reflect
tion in colour and form as well as the appearance of the the development and representation of glass products in
first glass vessels. An exceptional element in the graves the material culture of the Roman period in Slovenia as
of the south-eastern Alpine region is represented by well as the economic conditions in the area.
small vessels with vertical ribbing. The glass bracelet was
by far the widest distributed form in the Late Iron Age Povzetek
The Roman period brought innovations that had devel- V Sloveniji so najstarejše steklene najdbe znane iz časa
oped in glass craft in the Hellenistic and early Roman kulture žarnih grobišč. V starejši železni dobi smo pri-
periods. The main trade centre for trade in the eastern ča izjemni raznolikosti steklenih jagod v okrasu, barvi in
Alps was Aquileia, valuable products also arrived from oblikah, pojavijo se tudi prve steklene posode. Izjemen
the eastern Mediterranean and Egypt. The group of pojav v grobovih JV alpskega prostora so male posode s
mould-made products is predominantly composed pokončnimi rebri. V latenskem obdobju so najbolj raz-
of ribbed bowls. The monochrome-coloured ware ap- širjene steklene zapestnice.
pears in the second quarter of the 1st century. Mould- Rimska doba je prinesla ves napredek, ki ga je steklar-
blown products are present in smaller quantities, but a stvo doživelo v času helenizma in zgodnje rimske dobe.
one-handled beaker signed by Ennion and a mythologi- Glavno središče za trgovino z JV Alpami je bila Akvi-
cal beaker from Črnelo should be mentioned. leja, dragoceni predmeti so prihajali tudi iz vzhodnega
The comparisons among individual glass-working tech-
niques in the 1st century in the area indicate that blown
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