Page 47 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 47
an Oil Lamp from Slovenia
Depicting a Glass Furnace
Rimska oljenka iz Slovenije
z upodobitvijo steklarske peči

Izvleček 47
Med arheološkimi raziskavami na najdišču Križišče v Spodnjih Škofijah pri Kopru so v letih 2002 in
2003 raziskali del večje grobne parcele ob rimski cesti (via Flavia Tergeste–Pola). Eden od žganih grobov
na parceli je imel priloženo oljenko z upodobitvijo rimske steklarske peči. Relief prikazuje peč in ob njej
dva steklarja. Oljenka in relief sta najbolje ohranjena med trenutno poznanimi tremi oljenkami s tem
motivom (Benkovac, Ferrara, Spodnje Škofije). Grob z oljenko iz Spodnjih Škofij lahko glede na pridat-
ke umestimo v sredino 1. stol.
Ključne besede: rimska doba, Slovenija, steklarstvo, oljenka, steklarska peč, pihanje stekla

In 2002 and 2003 at Spodnje Škofije near Koper (Slovenia) at the archaeological site named Križišče
(‘Crossroad’), part of a Roman burial ground beside the Roman road (via Flavia Tergeste–Pola) was inve-
stigated. One of the cremation graves included an oil lamp with a representation of a glass furnace. The
relief shows a glass furnace and a glass worker to the left and right of it. The oil lamp from the grave in
Slovenia is by far the best preserved of all three lamps known so far (Benkovac, Ferrara, Spodnje Škofije).
The grave with the oil lamp from Slovenia can be placed in the middle of the 1st century.
Keywords: Roman period, Slovenia, glass-working, oil lamp, glass furnace, glass blowing

In 2002 and 2003, a rescue excavation along (figure/slika 17). The main road was still in use in
the route of the future motorway was car- the late Roman period.
ried out at Spodnje Škofije near Koper (Slo-
venia), at an archaeological site named Križišče The necropolis was investigated along the
(‘Crossroad’). Part of a Roman burial ground be- eastern edge of the road. It had paved grave plots
side the Roman road (via Flavia Aquileia–Terg- and was bordered on the eastern side by a 2-me-
este–Pola), which ran in a north-south direction, tre-high well-built wall of sandstone. Three grave
was investigated (Novšak 2003, 165; Novšak, plots were investigated. The most northerly one
Bekljanov Zidanšek, and Žerjal 2019, 28). In had a square shape (16 x 16 m) and lay exact-
the northern part of the necropolis two roads ly where the side road branched off towards the
connected with the above-mentioned road, one nearby Školarice villa (Novšak 2003, 258; Novšak,
leading towards a Roman villa in the immediate Bekljanov Zidanšek, and Žerjal 2019). The graves
vicinity (Školarice on the hill Bečajevec), and the on these plots differ in the manner of burial and
other towards the Roman settlement of Sermin in their form. On the three plots, 27 cremated
and 16 skeleton burials and 6 graves of newborn
babies were researched. They were dated to the
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