Page 372 - Istenič Andreja, Gačnik Mateja, Horvat Barbara, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Kiswarday Vanja Riccarda, Lebeničnik Maja, Mezgec Maja, Volk Marina. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 372
an Šekeljić and Jovan Marković

tivities in nature (Greenwood and Stillwell 2001). Adolescent girls participate
less in high-risk sports than the boys, and they are more interested in activi-
ties such as aerobics, volleyball and modern dance. On the other hand, boys
are more interested in sports such as football, basketball, athletics, tennis,
skating, weight training, and street or field hockey (US Department of Health
and Human Services 1996; Hill and Hannon 2008), while few of them want to
participate in dance because they feel these activities are feminized (Green-
wood and Stillwell 2001). There is a different interest in different activities be-
tween the genders. Of 33 activities offered, the boys are most interested in
football (73), basketball (70.1), bowling (62), table tennis (54), swim-
ming (52), field hockey (51) and fencing (50), while most of the girls pre-
ferred swimming (68), skating (68), volleyball (66), bowling (64), bas-
ketball (64), gymnastics (61), football (60 ), yoga (56), softball (54)
and canoeing (52). The boys have a great influence on the girls’ physical ac-
tivities and are often the reason they do not participate in the game. The
causes can be: intolerance and unwillingness of the boys to accept them
equally in the game because they consider them worse players, not suffi-
ciently knowing the rules or sports techniques; verbal discouragement; and
even sarcasm or teasing (Maihan et al. 2006).

Possible Solutions
– to equip schools with objects, devices and equipment as provided for
by the standards;
– to modernize the curriculum with teaching contents corresponding to
the interests of children and youth;
– to separate the teaching contents by gender;
– to implement teaching classes separately by gender;
– to change the duration and structure of the class;
– to revise national educational standards;
– to create the tests and observation sheets to test motor skills;
– the permanent monitoring of teaching effects;
– to evaluate schools and teachers regarding the teaching effects;
– to make the results available to the interested public.

Numerous researches that we have mentioned in the paper have pointed to
the weak effects of physical education teaching all over the world in the past
half century. The effects of teaching are such that several questions can be
reasonably asked:

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