Page 133 - Koderman, Miha, Poklar, Mojca, ur. 2023. Geografsko raziskovanje slovenske Istre 2. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 133
Parenzana – Pot zdravja in prijateljstva
Parenzana – The Route of Health and Friendship:
Anthropological-Geographic Views on the Revitalization of the
Path along the Former Narrow-Gauge Railroad Trieste–Poreč
The contribution highlights the life cycle of Parenzana, a thematic path
that runs along the former route of the Trieste–Poreč narrow-gauge ra-
ilroad through Italy, Slovenia and Croatia. The methodology is based on
anthropological landscape studies, mobile ethnographic practice, and
mapping with Geographical Information Systems. After a brief outline
of the history of the Parenzana, the initiatives for the preservation of
the route of the former railway and the creation of a museum are presen-
ted, as well as the efforts of various tourist initiatives to create a recrea-
tional walking and cycling route, the Route of Health and Friendship. After
the decline of activities in the local tourism offer, a revival is now taking
place with new intentions. For the revival, together with geography stu-
dents, we have designed different thematic paths, some of which are re-
lated to Parenzana, to present this route to potential visitors with refre-
shed content.
Keywords: thematic route Parenzana, anthropology of landscape, walking
as a research method, heritage, geography