Page 59 - Koderman, Miha, Poklar, Mojca, ur. 2023. Geografsko raziskovanje slovenske Istre 2. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 59

Ranljivost slovenske obale glede na dvigajočo se gladino morja

            le the low-lying coastal areas are exposed to more frequent and extensi-
            ve flooding. For the assessment, we used the Physical Vulnerability Index
            (PVI), which captures the impact of selected physical indicators (elevati-
            on, coastal slope, orientation of the coast, seabed slope, preservation of
            the natural coast, beach width, flood hazard and visible geomorphic pro-
            cesses) on the vulnerability of individual coastal segments. We classified
            them into five categories and found that 5.7% of the coast could be classi-
            fied as highly vulnerable and 2.9% as very highly vulnerable.
            Keywords: sea level, abrasion, floods, climate change, physical vulnerabi-
            lity index (PVI), geographic information systems (GIS), Slovenian coast,

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