Page 31 - Teaching English at Primary Level: From Theory into the Classroom
P. 31
YLs Attitudes and Motivation to Learn an FL
tion and interaction. With YLs, cooperative activities are more likely to boost
motivation than competitive tasks.
memorable and exciting as possible by including fun activities and interest-
ing materials, nowadays often based on online resources. However, Pressley
et al. (2003) warn against using too many distracting activities which might
be well-intended but too often avert the attention from the main teaching
According to Dörnyei (2001, p. 31), three necessary conditions need to be
provided in order for the learner to be motivated to learn:
• appropriate teacher behaviours and a good relationship with the stu-
• a pleasant and supportive classroom atmosphere;
• a cohesive learner group with appropriate group norms.
These conditions are interrelated, since, for example, a good teacher-pupil
rapport will contribute to a supportive classroom environment. We could
also argue that these conditions are especially important in a YLs’ classroom
in which pupils are still very much dependent on a good relationship with
their teacher and a caring atmosphere.
Reflection Point
1. How would you describe an ideal YLs’ classroom climate?
2. Discuss different effort-based praises in the YLs’ classroom.
3. What elements influenced your motivation to learn an FL when you were
a primary school learner?
Key Takeaways
• In the FL classroom we should provide opportunities for both acquiring
and learning the language.
• Different language acquisition and learning theories have revealed impor-
tant aspects about language learning.
• Krashen’s monitor model has had a strong influence on second language
teaching in the past thirty years.
• In teaching YLLs it is important to use different scaffolding strategies.
• We can use several techniques to increase YL’s motivation to learn a foreign
Further Reading
Celce-Murcia, M.(Ed.).(2001). Teaching English as a second or foreign language
(3rd ed.). Heinle & Heinle.