Page 4 - Teaching English at Primary Level: From Theory into the Classroom
P. 4
Teaching English at Primary Level:
From Theory into the Classroom
Silva Bratož, Mihaela Brumen, Mateja Dagarin Fojkar,
and Karmen Pižorn
Reviewers · Janina Iwaniec, Ester Vidović, and Anja Pirih
Proof-reading ·Tina Rozmanič
Design and Layout ·Alen Ježovnik
Cover image · Rochak Shukla on Freepik
Knjižnica Ludus · 48 · ISSN 2630-3809
Series Editor ·Silva Bratož
Published by ·University ofPrimorska Press
Titov trg 4, 6000 Koper ·
Editor in Chief ·Jonatan Vinkler
Managing Editor ·Alen Ježovnik
Koper ·2023
Electronic edition
The publication of the monograph was financially supported
by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
from the state budget funds, tender for the co-financing
of scientific monographs.
We would like to thank the following teachers for contributing photos
of their pupils’ and their own work: Petra Fabčič, Polona Lilić,
Etien Počkaj Godnič, Evi Petaroš, Katarina Benedik,
Nataša Puhner, and Eda Dermota.
Examples from the textbook Reach for the Stars (Bratož et al., 2019)
are used with permission from DZS.
Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili
v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani
COBISS.SI-ID 190009859
ISBN 978-961-293-316-6 (PDF)
ISBN 978-961-293-317-3 (HTML)