Page 39 - Raspberry Pi as a Foundation for Boosting Computer and Technology Literacy
P. 39
Overview of shell commands 3.3
Table 3.1 Frequently used commands for package management
Command Description
sudo apt update Synchronize the local package versions with
the repository
sudo apt upgrade Install the new versions of packages
apt list --upgradable List all the packages that can be upgraded
apt list --installed List all the packages installed on the system
apt search pack- Search the software repository for a specific package
sudo apt install Install a specific package
sudo apt remove pack- Remove a specific package
Directory and file management
The structure of a Linux file system originates from the root directory
“/”, which subsequently includes all other directories (Figure 3.12). Al-
tering files and folders within the root directory could lead to security
vulnerabilities or even completely break the system. Thus, it requires
superuser privileges and is generally not advisable.
Nevertheless, a “/home” directory (Figure 3.12 and Figure 3.13) ex-
ists that includes home folders (or personal directories) of regular us-
ers (located at “/home/user-name” or “~/”). In contrast, any actions
performed inside a user’s home folder are safe and do not require
sudo, as they do not affect the entire system. The terminal emulator
Figure 3,13 Tree of home directory
Figure 3.12 Tree of a root directory