Page 40 - Raspberry Pi as a Foundation for Boosting Computer and Technology Literacy
P. 40

3  Fundamentals of the Linux system and terminal usage

                Table 3.2  Frequently used commands for managing files and directories
                Command                   Description
                touch path-to-file        Create a file
                cat path-to-file          Print out the file contents
                less path-to-file         Read a large file
                rm path-to-file           Remove an existing file
                cp /old/path /new/path    Copy a file or directory from one path to another
                mv /old/path /new/path    Move a file or directory from one path to another
                                          (can be used for renaming)
                pwd                       Print working directory
                cd path-to-directory      Change directory
                ls path-to-directory      List the contents inside a directory
                mkdir path-to-directory Make a new directory
                rmdir path-to-directory Remove an existing directory

                automatically launches inside a current user’s home folder by default
                (i.e., denoted by ‘~’).
                  Above are some of the frequently used commands for navigating di-
                rectories, creating directories and files, as well as copying, moving, and
                deleting them (Table 3.2).

                System resource monitoring
                Like every other operating system, Linux obscures its components and
                inner workings from the user behind various layers of abstraction.
                  In this case, at the highest level is the user space, where user pro-
                cesses operate. This space includes various GUI programs (e.g. a web
                browser), servers (e.g. a display server), and shells (e.g. bash). These
                user processes run in user mode, which restricts their RAM access to
                a limited subset and ensures only safe CPU operations are executed.
                The data from the user space are received and processed by the kernel,
                which is responsible for such kernel processes as memory and process
                management as well as handling device drivers. This middle level is
                referred to as kernel space, with the processes running in kernel mode,
                granting them unrestricted access to the CPU and RAM. This distinc-
                tion in access privileges between kernel and user modes is fundamen-
                tal for system stability and security. Finally, the CPU starts reading
                and executing the kernel’s instructions from the RAM and interfaces
                with other hardware devices (Ward 2021, 2–3).
                  To see this in action, one can run the top command to check what
                processes are currently running on the system as well as how much

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