Page 43 - Raspberry Pi as a Foundation for Boosting Computer and Technology Literacy
P. 43

Overview of shell commands  3.3

            Table 3.4  Frequently used commands related to connectivity and networks
            Command                        Description
            ping ip/domain                 Check connectivity to a specific server
            ifconfig                       Check active network interfaces
            ssh username@host              Connect to a remote shell
            Getting help and manuals
            Obviously, it  is impossible for this  monograph  to cover all  existing
            shell commands, let alone their associated flags. There are simply too
            many, and even more can be downloaded and installed from the soft-
            ware repository via apt. Therefore, we highly encourage the reader to
            do their own research and explore more specialized and advanced re-
            sources on Linux systems, and on shells in particular. There is so much
            more to learn.
              Conveniently, a decent place to start is the terminal itself. Almost
            all shell commands support a --help flag, which provides concise in-
            formation about what a certain command does and its functionality
            (Figure 3.17).
              Alternatively, there is a specialized man command that accepts var-
            ious other commands as arguments and returns an entire manual,
            explaining everything one needs to know about a command in great
            detail. These manuals are denoted by the jargon ‘man pages’.
              For instance, the following command will open a man page for the
            mv command (Figure 3.18):

              man mv

            Figure 3.17  Example of help flag usage

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