Page 163 - Učilnica za življenje
P. 163

Validation of the Slovenian Version of Questionnaire on Sustainable Behaviour

             respondents are asked to assess the frequency on a 5-point scale (1 – never,
             2 – rarely, 3 – sometimes, 4 – often, 5 – always).

             Data analysis
             For the initial 58 items, we first checked descriptive statistics and correlation
             of each item with the total sum and the inter-correlation between items. The
             analysis showed that 3 items were poorly linked with the total sum and were
             thus excluded from the further analysis. As a result, the final version of Slove-
             nian version of the Questionnaire on Sustainable Behaviour consists of 55
             items. In order to check validity of the questionnaire principal component
             analysis (by prior check of KMO and Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity) was per-
             formed and Cronbach’s alfa was employed to check the internal consistency.

             Theconstruct validity(Creswell,2014,p.160) oftheSlovenian version ofQues-
             tionnaire on Sustainable Behaviour was examined thorough factor analysis.
             Prior to factor analysis the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Ade-
             quacy (KMO) was checked, and the Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity were analysed
             (Table 1). The calculated KMOs were all above the recommended value of 0.6
             (Field, 2005), which indicates that factor analysis is appropriate for data set.
             The results of Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity suggest the factor ability of the cor-
             relation matrix (Field, 2005). To determine the number of factors for each of
             the scales, Principal Component with Promax rotation was performed. Items
             were retained when they exceeded 0.40.
               For the Universal values scale 5 factors were extracted (Table 2), which to-
             gether explain 54,53 of variance. The first factor accounted for 24,705 of
             variance, which is above the 20,0 and it indicates the appropriate construct
             validity of the scale (Field, 2005).

                – Factor 1 consisted of 4 items with factor loadings from 0.783 to 0.419

             Table 1 Results of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy (KMO) and Bartlett’s
                    Test of Sphericity
             Item                                 KMO       χ 2     df       P
             Universal values                     .  .       .
             Awareness of consequences            .  .        .
             Ascription of responsibility         .  .        .
             Intra- and inter-personal intelligences  .  .    .

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