Page 165 - Učilnica za življenje
P. 165
Validation of the Slovenian Version of Questionnaire on Sustainable Behaviour
Table 3 Factor Loading Awareness of Consequences Scale
The loss of tropical forests will be a problem for plants and animals .
The loss of tropical forests will be a world problem .
Climate change will be a problem for plants and animals .
Climate changes will affect me and my family .
Climatechangewillbeaproblemfor thewholecountry .
The pollution of air, water and soil will be a world problem .
The pollution of air, water and soil will be a problem for me and my family .
The pollution of air, water and soil will be a problem for plants and animals .
– Finally, factor5 is composed of 2 items with loadings of 0.795 and 0.686,
indicating someone personal beliefs in human and in nature and thus
we called it Personal attitude.
In the case of Awareness of Consequences Scale, 3 factors were extracted
(Table 3) and they explained which together explain 74,238 of variance. The
result of first factor accounting for 48,698 of variance indicates the appro-
priate construct validity of the scale.
– Factor 1 consisted of 3 items which explained 48,698 of variance. The
range of factor loadings was from 0.793 to 0.568. Since two out of three
items refer to problems caused by the loss of tropical forests, we named
the factor Attitude towards tropical forests.
– Factor 2 included two items with loadings of 0.858 and 0.795 which to-
gether explain 13,033 of variance. Both items refer to the problems
caused by climate change, so we named the factor Attitude towards cli-
mate change.
– Factor3 accounted for 12,506 of variance with its item’s loadings rang-
ing from 0.790 to 0.701. All three items bring us the problem of air, water
and soil pollution and the factor was named Attitude towards air, water
and soil pollution.
The Ascription of Responsibility scale consists of two factors (Table 4) which
explain 63,804 of variance. Since the first factor accounted for 51,564 of
variance, we can conclude this scale to have high construct validity.
– Factor 1 is comprised of 6 items with the load range from 0.856 to 0.610
and explaining 51,564 of total variance. Items suggest government,