Page 49 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Uhvati pravu ravnotežu! ■ Get the balance right! Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2014.
P. 49
zasad poznajemo samo jednu fibulu i par manjih central territory of Liburnia. From Osor we know for
ulomaka. now only a single fibula and several minor fragments.
Nakit i opremu krasile su i različite pincete kao pri- Jewellery and attire were decorated with different
vjesci ili dijelovi ženskog toaletnog pribora, zatim po- tweezers used as pendants, further with decorative
jasni ukrasni okovi baš kao i brojni privjesci, naušnice, belt plates as well as numerous pendants, earrings,
ogrlice, narukvice, dugmad i dr. necklaces, bracelets, buttons and others.
S druge strane, na čitavom prostoru Kvarnera bili su On the other hand, indirect influences from the Celt- čini li »odijelo« čovjeka? ■ do the »clothes« make a man? 49
prihvaćeni i posredni utjecaji iz keltskog kulturnog ic cultural environment were accepted in the whole
miljea. Njihov se odraz ponajviše slijedi u preuzima- territory of Kvarner. Their reflection could be most-
nju osnovnih obrazaca kod izradbi tzv. fibula latenske ly followed by the acceptance of basic patterns in pro-
sheme. Kulturni su to dotoci koji su prodirali iz zaleđa, duction of fibulae according to the La Tène schemes.
od sjeverne Italije, ponajviše Furlanije i jugoistočnog These were cultural influences spreading from the
alpskog područja današnje Slovenije. Po uzoru na njih, hinterlands – from northern Italy, mostly Friuli, and
na Kvarneru su bile vrlo popularne fibule tzv. srednjo- the south-eastern Alpine territory of today’s Slovenia.
latenske sheme. Ističu se fibule tipa Nezakcij, od kojih As their reflection fibulae of the so-called Middle La
je upravo na Osoru poznat najveći broj, a koje svojom Tène scheme were very popular in Kvarner – most-
prostornom raširenošću ukazuju na regionalnu pro- ly fibulae of the Nesactium type. The largest number
dukciju tog tipa umjetničkog zanatstva. of the later is known from Osor and their spatial dis-
Miješanje stilova, moda, utjecaja ili inspiracija bilo je tribution demonstrates a regional production of this
izuzetno snažno u tome vremenu, pa se po nakitu i po- type of artistic goods.
jedinim dijelovima nošnje zaista ne bi moglo kulturno Mixing of styles, fashions, influences and inspirations
odrediti pojedinca, što je možda bilo moguće u nekim was very intensive in that period. Accordingly, it was
drugim povijesnim kontekstima. not possible to culturally determine one person’s iden-
tity by observing his or her attire – an activity possible
in some other historic contexts.
ulomaka. now only a single fibula and several minor fragments.
Nakit i opremu krasile su i različite pincete kao pri- Jewellery and attire were decorated with different
vjesci ili dijelovi ženskog toaletnog pribora, zatim po- tweezers used as pendants, further with decorative
jasni ukrasni okovi baš kao i brojni privjesci, naušnice, belt plates as well as numerous pendants, earrings,
ogrlice, narukvice, dugmad i dr. necklaces, bracelets, buttons and others.
S druge strane, na čitavom prostoru Kvarnera bili su On the other hand, indirect influences from the Celt- čini li »odijelo« čovjeka? ■ do the »clothes« make a man? 49
prihvaćeni i posredni utjecaji iz keltskog kulturnog ic cultural environment were accepted in the whole
miljea. Njihov se odraz ponajviše slijedi u preuzima- territory of Kvarner. Their reflection could be most-
nju osnovnih obrazaca kod izradbi tzv. fibula latenske ly followed by the acceptance of basic patterns in pro-
sheme. Kulturni su to dotoci koji su prodirali iz zaleđa, duction of fibulae according to the La Tène schemes.
od sjeverne Italije, ponajviše Furlanije i jugoistočnog These were cultural influences spreading from the
alpskog područja današnje Slovenije. Po uzoru na njih, hinterlands – from northern Italy, mostly Friuli, and
na Kvarneru su bile vrlo popularne fibule tzv. srednjo- the south-eastern Alpine territory of today’s Slovenia.
latenske sheme. Ističu se fibule tipa Nezakcij, od kojih As their reflection fibulae of the so-called Middle La
je upravo na Osoru poznat najveći broj, a koje svojom Tène scheme were very popular in Kvarner – most-
prostornom raširenošću ukazuju na regionalnu pro- ly fibulae of the Nesactium type. The largest number
dukciju tog tipa umjetničkog zanatstva. of the later is known from Osor and their spatial dis-
Miješanje stilova, moda, utjecaja ili inspiracija bilo je tribution demonstrates a regional production of this
izuzetno snažno u tome vremenu, pa se po nakitu i po- type of artistic goods.
jedinim dijelovima nošnje zaista ne bi moglo kulturno Mixing of styles, fashions, influences and inspirations
odrediti pojedinca, što je možda bilo moguće u nekim was very intensive in that period. Accordingly, it was
drugim povijesnim kontekstima. not possible to culturally determine one person’s iden-
tity by observing his or her attire – an activity possible
in some other historic contexts.