Page 61 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 61
a iz groba 7 iz Srednice (Bujna 1995, 141, Taf. 22, 3, well as in the Eastern Carpathians (Pişcolt) (Figure 17).
9, 12, 13, 14). They represent objects from female burials made from
Večja koncentracija najdb jantarnih obročkov je bila the most exotic raw materials. The fact that many are dama z vzhoda ■ the lady from the east 59
odkrita v grobišču v Dürnnbergu v Avstriji (Pauli hung on silver chains allows us to recognize their bear-
1978, 140), kjer so bili odkriti v grobovih 97 in 105 sku- ers as elite members of Eastern Celtic society. Unlike
paj s skledo, ki je podobna skledi iz groba 6 iz Sredni- discoveries in the Carpathian basin and in the eastern
ce (Pauli, Penninger 1974, T 164, 7; 168, B 2; 169, A 9), Alps, amber rings from finds in the western Alps to-
ter grobu 107 skupaj s skledo, ki je podobna skledi iz wards the West and stretching all the way to Cham-
groba 7 (Moosleitner 1974, 170, 4, 13). Prav tako so bili pagne are slightly different. Although similar in size,
these rings are a little thicker and mostly younger ac-
odkriti v grobovih 4 in 5, kjer je bil odkrit skupaj z dve- cording to accompanying finds in graves that mostly
ma nanožnicama iz bronaste pločevine (Penninger can be dated to Lt C1. Rings were found, for example,
1972, Taf. 1, E 6; Taf. 4, 6, 10, 11). Podobna kombinacija across Switzerland (Viollier 1916, Pl. 32, 22), including
najdb je bila odkrita tudi v dvojnem grobu številka 10, in Stäfa, in grave number 1 in La Cuannaz, Blessenss
v katerem je bila odkrita tudi skleda podobna skledi iz (Kaenel 1990, Pl. 63, T. 1, 1), in grave number 2 in Bern
groba 6 iz Srednice. Kar dva jantarna obročka pa sta Tiefenauspital (Stähli 1977, Taf. 21, 9) and in grave
bila odkrita v grobu številka 19, v katerem je bil odkrit number 161 in Münsingen-Rain cemetery (Hodson
tudi odlomek bronaste zapestnice iz prepletene žice z 1968, 145, Pl. 71, 111).
osmico (Penninger 1972, Taf. 10, A 3, 4, 5, 13; Taf. 19, A
8, 9). A hollow, two-piece metal ring united from two parts
without rivets was also discovered in grave number 4
Pregled razprostranjenosti je pokazal, da se največja in Srednica (Figure 18). Due to its design characteris-
koncentracija najdišč pokopov z jantarnimi obročki tics, it could be classified as an example of Group 2, ac-
nahaja na področju osrednjega dela Karpatske kotline, cording to the typological division proposed by Bar-
posamezna najdišča z večjim številom slednjih pa se ry Raftery. It is a form typical of the Lt B period, when
nahajajo tako v Alpah (Dürnnberg) kot tudi v vzhod- rings measured between 3 and 4 centimeters (Raftery
nih Karpatih (Pişcolt) (Slika 17). Predstavljajo predme- 1988, 2, 5). We should note, however, that the Sredni-
te iz najbolj eksotične surovine, ki se nahaja v ženskih ca example is among the group’s smallest rings. Such
pokopih, pri čemer tudi dejstvo, da se velikokrat na- rings were located mainly in the abdomen area of fe-
hajajo obešeni na srebrne verižice kaže, da lahko v nji- male graves, while graves in Rezi-Rezicseri, Hunga-
hovih nosilkah prepoznamo pripadnice samega vrha ry (number 22) and Srednica they were discovered
vzhodnokeltske družbe. Za razliko od Karpatskega on the side of the deceased (Raftery 1988, 13; 1998, 65).
9, 12, 13, 14). They represent objects from female burials made from
Večja koncentracija najdb jantarnih obročkov je bila the most exotic raw materials. The fact that many are dama z vzhoda ■ the lady from the east 59
odkrita v grobišču v Dürnnbergu v Avstriji (Pauli hung on silver chains allows us to recognize their bear-
1978, 140), kjer so bili odkriti v grobovih 97 in 105 sku- ers as elite members of Eastern Celtic society. Unlike
paj s skledo, ki je podobna skledi iz groba 6 iz Sredni- discoveries in the Carpathian basin and in the eastern
ce (Pauli, Penninger 1974, T 164, 7; 168, B 2; 169, A 9), Alps, amber rings from finds in the western Alps to-
ter grobu 107 skupaj s skledo, ki je podobna skledi iz wards the West and stretching all the way to Cham-
groba 7 (Moosleitner 1974, 170, 4, 13). Prav tako so bili pagne are slightly different. Although similar in size,
these rings are a little thicker and mostly younger ac-
odkriti v grobovih 4 in 5, kjer je bil odkrit skupaj z dve- cording to accompanying finds in graves that mostly
ma nanožnicama iz bronaste pločevine (Penninger can be dated to Lt C1. Rings were found, for example,
1972, Taf. 1, E 6; Taf. 4, 6, 10, 11). Podobna kombinacija across Switzerland (Viollier 1916, Pl. 32, 22), including
najdb je bila odkrita tudi v dvojnem grobu številka 10, in Stäfa, in grave number 1 in La Cuannaz, Blessenss
v katerem je bila odkrita tudi skleda podobna skledi iz (Kaenel 1990, Pl. 63, T. 1, 1), in grave number 2 in Bern
groba 6 iz Srednice. Kar dva jantarna obročka pa sta Tiefenauspital (Stähli 1977, Taf. 21, 9) and in grave
bila odkrita v grobu številka 19, v katerem je bil odkrit number 161 in Münsingen-Rain cemetery (Hodson
tudi odlomek bronaste zapestnice iz prepletene žice z 1968, 145, Pl. 71, 111).
osmico (Penninger 1972, Taf. 10, A 3, 4, 5, 13; Taf. 19, A
8, 9). A hollow, two-piece metal ring united from two parts
without rivets was also discovered in grave number 4
Pregled razprostranjenosti je pokazal, da se največja in Srednica (Figure 18). Due to its design characteris-
koncentracija najdišč pokopov z jantarnimi obročki tics, it could be classified as an example of Group 2, ac-
nahaja na področju osrednjega dela Karpatske kotline, cording to the typological division proposed by Bar-
posamezna najdišča z večjim številom slednjih pa se ry Raftery. It is a form typical of the Lt B period, when
nahajajo tako v Alpah (Dürnnberg) kot tudi v vzhod- rings measured between 3 and 4 centimeters (Raftery
nih Karpatih (Pişcolt) (Slika 17). Predstavljajo predme- 1988, 2, 5). We should note, however, that the Sredni-
te iz najbolj eksotične surovine, ki se nahaja v ženskih ca example is among the group’s smallest rings. Such
pokopih, pri čemer tudi dejstvo, da se velikokrat na- rings were located mainly in the abdomen area of fe-
hajajo obešeni na srebrne verižice kaže, da lahko v nji- male graves, while graves in Rezi-Rezicseri, Hunga-
hovih nosilkah prepoznamo pripadnice samega vrha ry (number 22) and Srednica they were discovered
vzhodnokeltske družbe. Za razliko od Karpatskega on the side of the deceased (Raftery 1988, 13; 1998, 65).