Page 99 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 99
; Szabó, Petres 1992, 150, 152 Pls. 32, 34). Pri tem ne ranging from Lt B2 to Lt C (Pauli 1978, 228). The bor-
gre za pravo objemko ampak za odebeljen zaključek z ders of their occurrence can thus be fixed with grave
majhnima lateralnima gumboma, ki je na zgornji stra- number 45 in Dürrnberg on the one side (Penninger
ni okrašen s trakom večih vrezanih črt, ter se zgolj do- 1972, T. 47, A7) and grave number 5 in Dobova on the
tika loka oziroma se naslanja nanj. other side (Guštin 1984b, 329, Abb. 19, 1).
Oborožitev pokojnika kaže dokaj tradicionalno po- In analyzing the development of Celtic weapons, with mečenosec ■ the sword bearer 97
dobo – sestavljajo jo meč, sulica in nož (Slika 34). Nož special emphasis placed on swords, belt sets and shield
je nekoliko nenavadne oblike. Za razliko od večine so- bosses, André Rapin showed that the big change at
časnih nožev, ki imajo bolj vbočen hrbet ter daljši ro- the end of the 4th and early 3rd century BC led to the in-
čaj, ki s končuje s kroglico ali zavitim koncem, ima troduction of short swords with rounded chape ends
kratek ploščat ročaj na katerega je bil z dvema zako- – the so-called Hatvan-Boldog/Münsingen-type
vicama pritrjen koščen ročaj (Slika 36). Sulica »klasič- swords. He included them in a group designated as
ne oblike« oziroma Tipa I kot jih je v svojem pregle- A2 (Rapin 1995, 276-277). In analyzing the shape of
du opredelil André Rapin sodi med najbolj pogoste the scabbard, he accepted the suggestion of Éva Petres
ter dolgožive oblike oborožitve keltskih bojevnikov, and Miklós Szabó that swords from this group should
saj so se skoraj nespremenjene ohranile v uporabi vse be further subdivided according to finds from the
od začetka do konca mlajše železne dobe (Brunaux - Hungarian cemetery of Kosd (Szabó, Petres 1992, 80).
Rapin 1988, 120–122, 133) (Slika 36). Zdi se, da znotraj te The authors solved the historical controversy on their
skupine sulične osti s kratkim tulom ter širokim lis- naming by designating individual types according to
tom tvorijo skupino, ki se je izoblikovala v 4. ter izgi- the shape of chape ends present in Kosd. Swords with
nila v 2. stoletju pred našim štetjem. Osti te skupine v a circular-ending scabbard were classified as Kosd
okviru določenih razmerij variirajo v dolžini med 50 A-type and, according to the length of the chape end,
do 30 centimetri (Todorović 1972, 17, 28–29) , pri čemer were further divided into A1-type and A2-type (Pe-
sodi s skoraj 30 centimetri ost iz Srednice med krajše tres, Szabó 1985, 91, Abb. 7). The sword from Sredni-
in gracilnejše primerke svoje oblike. Časovno opre- ca can be included in Kosd A1, among swords with a
delitev dolgih primerkov je v pregledu najdb z grobišč wide, circular-ending scabbard, representing the most
srednje Evrope pokazal Ludvig Pauli, ki jih je datiral v popular form at the time of Lt B (Ramsl 2002, 79).
čas od Lt B2 do Lt C (Pauli 1978, 228). Tako lahko nji-
hovi meji pojavljanja preciziramo z grobom 45 iz Dür- In his examinations, A. Rapin demonstrated signifi-
rnberga na eni (Penninger 1972, T. 47, A7) ter groba 5 iz cant differences between sword scabbards, their dec-
Dobove na drugi strani (Guštin 1984b, 329, Abb. 19, 1). orations and the swords in them. He noted that scab-
bards of Kosd A2-type mostly have a central rib on
gre za pravo objemko ampak za odebeljen zaključek z ders of their occurrence can thus be fixed with grave
majhnima lateralnima gumboma, ki je na zgornji stra- number 45 in Dürrnberg on the one side (Penninger
ni okrašen s trakom večih vrezanih črt, ter se zgolj do- 1972, T. 47, A7) and grave number 5 in Dobova on the
tika loka oziroma se naslanja nanj. other side (Guštin 1984b, 329, Abb. 19, 1).
Oborožitev pokojnika kaže dokaj tradicionalno po- In analyzing the development of Celtic weapons, with mečenosec ■ the sword bearer 97
dobo – sestavljajo jo meč, sulica in nož (Slika 34). Nož special emphasis placed on swords, belt sets and shield
je nekoliko nenavadne oblike. Za razliko od večine so- bosses, André Rapin showed that the big change at
časnih nožev, ki imajo bolj vbočen hrbet ter daljši ro- the end of the 4th and early 3rd century BC led to the in-
čaj, ki s končuje s kroglico ali zavitim koncem, ima troduction of short swords with rounded chape ends
kratek ploščat ročaj na katerega je bil z dvema zako- – the so-called Hatvan-Boldog/Münsingen-type
vicama pritrjen koščen ročaj (Slika 36). Sulica »klasič- swords. He included them in a group designated as
ne oblike« oziroma Tipa I kot jih je v svojem pregle- A2 (Rapin 1995, 276-277). In analyzing the shape of
du opredelil André Rapin sodi med najbolj pogoste the scabbard, he accepted the suggestion of Éva Petres
ter dolgožive oblike oborožitve keltskih bojevnikov, and Miklós Szabó that swords from this group should
saj so se skoraj nespremenjene ohranile v uporabi vse be further subdivided according to finds from the
od začetka do konca mlajše železne dobe (Brunaux - Hungarian cemetery of Kosd (Szabó, Petres 1992, 80).
Rapin 1988, 120–122, 133) (Slika 36). Zdi se, da znotraj te The authors solved the historical controversy on their
skupine sulične osti s kratkim tulom ter širokim lis- naming by designating individual types according to
tom tvorijo skupino, ki se je izoblikovala v 4. ter izgi- the shape of chape ends present in Kosd. Swords with
nila v 2. stoletju pred našim štetjem. Osti te skupine v a circular-ending scabbard were classified as Kosd
okviru določenih razmerij variirajo v dolžini med 50 A-type and, according to the length of the chape end,
do 30 centimetri (Todorović 1972, 17, 28–29) , pri čemer were further divided into A1-type and A2-type (Pe-
sodi s skoraj 30 centimetri ost iz Srednice med krajše tres, Szabó 1985, 91, Abb. 7). The sword from Sredni-
in gracilnejše primerke svoje oblike. Časovno opre- ca can be included in Kosd A1, among swords with a
delitev dolgih primerkov je v pregledu najdb z grobišč wide, circular-ending scabbard, representing the most
srednje Evrope pokazal Ludvig Pauli, ki jih je datiral v popular form at the time of Lt B (Ramsl 2002, 79).
čas od Lt B2 do Lt C (Pauli 1978, 228). Tako lahko nji-
hovi meji pojavljanja preciziramo z grobom 45 iz Dür- In his examinations, A. Rapin demonstrated signifi-
rnberga na eni (Penninger 1972, T. 47, A7) ter groba 5 iz cant differences between sword scabbards, their dec-
Dobove na drugi strani (Guštin 1984b, 329, Abb. 19, 1). orations and the swords in them. He noted that scab-
bards of Kosd A2-type mostly have a central rib on