Page 112 - Poštuvan, Vita (ur.). 2020. Znanja, spretnosti in kompetence na področju duševnega zdravja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 112
a Poštuvan

situaciji občutimo, da imamo visoko sposobnost soočanja, lahko reševa-
nje problema vidimo kot izziv, kar nam dolgoročno poveča občutek samo-
učinkovitosti (Leahy in Holland, 2000). Razvijanje lastnih značajskih moči
nam daje možnost razvijanja lastnih potencialov tako pri skrbi za lastno
duševno zdravje kot pri prenosu tega na deležnike psihologovih storitev.

Leahy, R. L., in Holland, S. J. (2000). Treatment plans and interventions for

depression and anxiety disorders. The Guilford Press.
Mahoney, M. J. (2006). Constructive psychotherapy: A practical guide. The Gu-

ilford Press.
Niemiec, R. M. (2013). Mindfulness and character strengths: A practical guide

to flourishing. Hogrefe Publishing.
Poštuvan, V., in Tančič Grum, A. (2015). Program na r a: moč strokovnjakom

skozi čuječnost. Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
Šinigoj Batistič, I. (2007). Reševanje problemov. V N. Anič in P. Janjušević

(ur.), Izbrane teme iz vedenjsko-kognitivne terapije: zbornik 2 (str. 143–
162). Društvo za vedenjsko in koginitivno terapijo Slovenije.

Empowerment while Solving Problems
Main focus of psychological work is usually related to problems; both recog-
nising them – as in a form of a mental disorder – or setting up interventions
for their solving. Most of the time psychologists deal with negative everyday
issues and can easily miss the focus on strengths, values and qualities of in-
dividuals. Also when making own personal reflections, psychologists tend to
focus on things that they are not happy with rather then the opposite. There
are times of procrastination at work and times of overworking to achieve the
perfection. This gives us less opportunities to recognise how we have used
our capacities (knowledge, wisdom, relationships establishes, good judge-
ment of the situation, having strength to implement, were humane, fair or
recognised beauty of meaning) in the best possible ways. Personal strengths
can be divided into subgroups if they focus on inter- or intra-personal char-
acteristics and according to their cognitive and emotional elements. Know-
ing these we can evaluate ourselves and our work in a new – more positive
– way.

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