Page 31 - Lazar, Irena, 2016. AS – Arheologija za vse: Oživljanje arheološkega parka Simonov zaliv | AS – Project Archaeology for All: Revival of the the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press
P. 31
ija, dediščina, zgodovina, muzeologija, dents’ practical work and expert field
konservatorstvo in kulturni turizem so le experience. Students can fulfil their ob-
nekatere od vsebin, pri katerih so sode- ligations in a number of institutions with
lovali študenti iz Slovenije in tujine ter v which faculties hold a signed agreement,
okviru rednega študijskega procesa ali e.g. the Regional Museum of Koper, the
delavnic in poletnih šol poglabljali in širili Maritime Museum Sergej Mašera Piran,
svoje znanje. Študenti Fakultete za huma- the Institute for the Protection of Cultural
nistične študije Univerze na Primorskem v Heritage etc. There is a great effort to
okviru dodiplomskega in podiplomskega include students in the project activities,
izobraževanja pripravljajo seminarske in conducted at the University of Primorska.
zaključne naloge, vezane na arheološko The departments of the Faculty of Hu-
dediščino Izole in Simonovega zaliva, so- manities and both research institutes
delujejo pri pripravi in izvedbi javnih pri- (particularly the Institute of Archaeology
reditev (npr. literarni večeri, mednarodni and Heritage) involve their students in
dan muzejev, poletna muzejska noč, dan national and international projects, their
odprtih vrat ter sodelujejo kot vodiči po fieldwork and projects in the field of
parku ali izvajalci in pomočniki v okviru heritage protection, maintenance and
pedagoških delavnic), prav tako pa seve- presentation. The activities, related to
da sodelujejo pri arheoloških raziskavah the ongoing work at the site of the villa
in konservatorskih posegih v parku. Na in the bay of Simonov zaliv, are an excel-
ta način so nadgradili študijske vsebine 1. lent opportunity for joining the research
in 2. stopnje študija in pridobili tudi prak- with the teaching activities. Archaeology,
tične izkušnje za delo. Njihovo delo ves heritage, history, museology, conserva-
čas poteka pod nadzorom mentorjev in tion and cultural tourism are but some
asistentov. of the contents, in which students from

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