Page 26 - Lazar, Irena, 2016. AS – Arheologija za vse: Oživljanje arheološkega parka Simonov zaliv | AS – Project Archaeology for All: Revival of the the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press
P. 26
najbolj radovedne bosta na voljo za- chests for the learning about the material
bojnika za predstavitev arheološkega remains of ancient times. By way of rep-
dela. Zasnovane bodo različne delavnice licas, games and drawings schoolchildren
eksperimentalne arheologije z ustreznimi and persons with special needs will come
pripomočki, ki bodo šolarjem in mladostni- into direct contact with a variety of topics
kom približale sodobne pristope v meto- from life in antiquity: the Roman villa,
dologiji arheološkega dela. food, clothes and jewellery, schooling and
games, personal hygiene and medicine
c. Tradicionalni dogodki and commerce and trade. Contents are
in dnevi odprtih vrat adapted to various age groups – as well
as the teaching staff of primary schools
Obogateni program vile v Simonovem –; participants will be able to discover
zalivu smo vključili tudi v mednarodni the life, culture, technological prowess
dan muzejev (18. maj), skupno slovensko and spiritual world of the ancient man
manifestacijo Poletna muzejska noč, ki through touch, smell, taste and feel.
poteka vsako leto junija, in mednarodni
dan turizma, 27. september. Ob teh dnevih The most curious will benefit from the
poteka v parku dan odprtih vrat in do se- archaeological chest; workshops on the
daj smo v programu med drugim pripravili subject of experimental archaeology will
javna strokovna vodstva, predstavitev be designed, with all the necessary tools
promocijskega filma, delavnice za otroke to help the young get in touch with the
in odrasle, literarni večer na temo Arhi- modern methods of archaeological work.

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