Page 236 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 236
In Pursuit of Eco-innovation

Measurement items Completely p Composite AVE Cronbach’s
standardized reliability alpha


Economic incentive instrument (EII)

3e The government provides pref- 0.85 * 0.847 0.66 0.838
erential subsidy on environmental 0.95 *
innovation. 0.59

3f The government provides prefer-
ential tax policy on environmental

3h The government promotes envi-
ronmental protection.

Customer demand (CD)

236 4a Environment is a critical issue for 0.91
our important customers.

4b Our important customers often 0.93 *
bring up environmental issues. 0.88 0.949 0.82 0.940

4c Customer demands motive us in *
our environmental efforts.

4d Our customers have clear de- 0.91 *
mands regarding environmen-
tal issues.

Competitive pressure (CP)

6a We establish the company’s en- 0.90
vironmental image compared to
competitors through green con-

6b We increase the company’s mar- 0.89 * 0.933 0.83 0.933
ket share through green concepts.

6c We improve the company’s com- 0.95 *
petitive advantage over competi-
tors through green concepts.
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