Page 62 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(1) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 62
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 3 (2015), številk a 1 62 thermore, non-verbal communications in the form of no pomočjo za otroke s posebnimi potrebami.
pictures and concrete (didactic) material is important Ljubljana: ZRSŠ, 2003.
too. We have to provide more sensory and motor expe- Kavkler, Marija, Magajna, Lidija, Čačinovič
riences for persons with physical disabilities. Such type V., Gabi, Pečjak, Sonja, Klug, Mojca, Ver-
of experience helps them to generate their own ideas. nik, Herman in Bregar G., Ksenija ur., Na-
The working area has to be adjusted. They need more vodila za izobraževalne programe s prilago-
time to prepare for the activity and preform it. Per- jenim izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno po-
sons with emotional and behavioural disorders can be močjo za devetletno osnovno šolo. Ljubljana:
attracted by multisensory experiences. Some of them ZRSŠ, 2003.
need activities with clear expectations and directions; Krivic, Andreja. Čutim, vidim, zmorem - prostor
others require more opportunities for the expression of tudi za slepe in slabovidne. Ljubljana: Štu-
their own creativity. It is important to give them an op- dentska založba, 2013.
portunity for positive confirmation.Persons with an au- Lipec Stopar, Mojca, Bračun Sova, Rajka, Vodeb,
tistic spectrum disorder need to be given information Vlasta. Dostopen muzej: smernice za dobro
concisely. To help them understand better, schemes that prakso. Ljubljana: Skupnost muzejev Slove-
are verbally supported and through which they can im- nije, 2009.
agine the whole are required (eg. map of the area). The toteke/Dostopen%20muzej_LipecStopar_
activities have to be structured as they do not like un- BracunSova_Vodeb.pdf
predictable situations. Persons with learning problems UNESCO. Guidelines for Inclusion: Ensuring
in specific fields of education need help in the form of Access to Education for All. France: United
short guidelines, schemes and procedural instructions. Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultu-
Mostly they easily understand instructions that can be ral Organization, 2005.
also visually perceived. Vovk-Ornik, Natalija, ur., Kriteriji za opredeli-
In conclusion, multisensory and experiential learning tev vrste in stopnje primanjkljajev, ovir oz.
can include all persons with special needs. Adaptation motenj otrok s posebnimi potrebami.Ljublja-
provides persons with special needs with higher acces- na: Zavod RS za šolstvo, 2014. http://www.
sibility and inclusion but also an opportunity for active
participation. At the same time it positively addresses nimipotrebami.pdf
all subjects that do not necessarily need it. Nevertheless Zakon o usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi potreba-
they can be relieving and enjoyable, some of them also mi. Uradni list RS, št. 03/2013.
interesting as they give the opportunity to learn about
oneself as well as to experientially exam one’s own abili-
ties. In this way, we can enrich the quality of cultural and
natural heritage for everyone.


Albreht, Andreja, Krištof, Petra, Pučnik, Alen-
ka, Bera, Alenka in Franci Žiberna. Prostor
za vse: priročnik za načrtovanje brez ovir v
zunanjem javnem prostoru. Maribor: Me-
stna občina, 2010.

Čas, Metka, Kastelic, Lidija in Metka Šter, ur.,
Navodila h kurikulu za vrtce v programih s
prilagojenim izvajanjem in dodatno strokov-
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